Triangular trade route map

13 colonies history

  • Apr 28, 1450

    triangular trade

    triangular trade
    the triangular trade went from 1450-1750. It was were England, Africa, And the Americas. The main thing people were getting from Africa was slaves.
  • Ronaoke Island

    Ronaoke Island
    The 1590, John white returned to Roanoke Island and he established the first colony which was off the coast. A group of 120 men, women and children arrived.
  • Virginia the second Colony

    Virginia the second Colony
    Founded by John Smith in 1607. Queen Elizabeth 1 of England send John Smith to established first permanent English Colony in North America. They are the first one who started to export tobacco. The warmer weather help to grow more crops.
  • Massachusetts 4th colony

    Massachusetts 4th colony
    Puritans was the founded this colony and they dominated the whole colony. There were lot of Puritans that they wouldn't stop talking about. There religion to the people in Massachusetts and so they got mad.
  • Lord Baltimore founds the colony of Maryland.

    Lord Baltimore founds the colony of Maryland.
    The first colonists from England to arrive on the western shore of Maryland in 1624. St. Mary's. George Calvert, the first Lord of Baltimore, is acting under a royal charter to create a colony to serve as a refuge for Catholics.
  • A group of Virginians establishes Carolina.

    A group of Virginians establishes Carolina.
    A group of Virginians establishes Carolina. Acting on a charter from King Charles II, eight noblemen from Virginia create a settlement south of Virginia. They call it Carolina, although it is divided into North Carolina and South Carolina when the crown takes control of the colony in 1729.
  • the Duke of York establishes New York.

    the Duke of York establishes New York.
    With the Duke of York in control of the former Dutch trading post, he renames it New York. The city the Dutch called New Amsterdam becomes New York City. New york is very differnet from when it was founded then how it looks today.
  • Pennsylvania is established by William Penn.

    Pennsylvania is established by William Penn.
    Acting on a land grant that is owed to his deceased father, William Penn creates a colony to serve a refuge for Quakers under persecution at England. By 1700, it grows to the third largest colony in the New World.
  • The 13 colonies are represented in the first American flag.

    The 13 colonies are represented in the first American flag.
    The Second Continental Congress passes a resolution that states that the American flag shall have 13 stripes, alternately in red and white, to represent the 13 colonies. Despite all of the variations of the U.S. flag over time, the 13 stripes have never changed. now there are 50 stars because there are 50 states.
  • Hampshire colony

    Hampshire colony
    Captain John Mason created this fishing colony It is named for Hampshire county in England.