Elizabeth I granting Sir Walter Raleigh a Royal Charter to colonize Virginia
division of Atlantic Seaboard
King James decided to divide Atlantic Seaboard in two and give them to two company which are London company and the Plymouth company. -
Rhode Island
Colonists begun to settle in Rhode Island in1620, the official colony who came there was in 1636. -
The pilgrims arrived in Plymouth in 1620, it named Massachusett 10 years after that. -
Maryland founded a s a proprietary Colony by Lord Baltimore -
first colony of Delaware valley.
Delaware valley was combined by the Swedish settlers. -
Carolina colony was founded in 1663. -
New York
King Charles II made a territory with his brother, The Duke of York, English people renamed it New York soon after that. -
Connecticut and New Heaven are combined in 1665.
New Hampshire
New Hampshire became Royal colony in 1679, before it is a part of Massechusetts. -
The king gave 45000 square miles of land to William Penn, the land became the colony of ''Penn's wood''-Pennsylvania. -
New Jersey
New Jersey was a part of New Netherland which was colonized by the Dutch, English controlled it and divided into East and West New Jersey, it united in 1702. -
North and South Carolina
Carolina colony split in half in 1712, North Carolina is for small farms, and South is for Corn, Lumber, Beef, Pork...... -
establishment of Georgea
The Englishman James Oglethopre established the Georgea colony because they needs to have a buffer between South Carolina and the Spanish colony in Florida.