Thirteen colonies 720x473

13 Colonies

  • Raleigh and Explorers find Roanoke

    in 1585 Raleigh and 100 explorers find Roanoke Island.
  • When John White found out his colony had disappeared.

    When John White returned to Roanoke his entire colony was gone. On a tree nearby the word "CROATOAN" was carved in it. No one knows what it means.
  • Colony of Main Established

    in 1607 Main was established.
  • House of Burgesses made

    1619 was a huge year in Jamestown. The first elected assembly was established. It was called the House of Burgesses.
  • Mayflower compact

    Mayflower compact established
  • Plymouth colony started

    The Plymouth Colony was founded in 1620 by Pilgrims who sailed on a ship called the Mayflower and started a colony called, "the Plymouth Colony".
  • The first Thanksgiving

    The Pilgrims and all the Wampanoag people feasted as a celebration for a successful harvest.
  • New Hampshire Established

    In 1623 New Hampshire is established.
  • Massachusetts established

    In 1628 Massachusetts is established.
  • Pennsylvania

    When William Penn found this new land he took the word Sylvania (which means "woods") and his last name and put them together to get Pennsylvania.