20 Colonies

  • Roanoke

    It was the first British settlement in the New World, set up by John White. It was set up in, at that time, Virginia, and then eventually became of North Carolina. !00 people settled here, and then John White had to leave. 3 years later when he returned, the settlement was deserted. The only clue was the word Croaton, carved on the palisades. Notes
  • Jamestown

    Is the first permanent English settlement in North America. It is located in Virginia, and was financed by the Virginia Company. About 105 settlers left England, in 3 ships, and made their way to North America. The colony had a rough start and only 38 settlers survived the first winter. John Smith then took control and made the colonists earn their food. https://www.britannica.com/place/Jamestown-Colony
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    It was the first elective governing body overseas. It was established by Governor George Yeardley, in Jamestown, Virginia. Was the first legislature, but only property owners could vote to elect representatives.Was made so the government could be more responsive to the colonists. https://www.britannica.com/topic/House-of-Burgesses
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    Many Puritans fled England, traveled as family groups to the New World, and escaped religious persecution. They wanted to have freedom to practice their religion. https://www.revolvy.com/page/Puritan-migration-to-New-England-%281620%E2%80%9340%29
  • Mayflower,Plymouth,Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower,Plymouth,Mayflower Compact
    100 passengers, 35 of them pilgrims, who traveled in the Mayflower, settled the Plymouth Colony. They set anchor at Cape Cod. There, they created the Mayflower Compact, which was the foundation for the colony's government. This was the first self government plan in the colonies, and was made by what the majority of men wanted. Notes
  • New York

    New York
    It was settled by the Dutch, who called it New Netherlands. Henry Hudson was the one who explored the area for the Dutch East India Company in 1611. Dutch landowners would rent out to farmers, even after Britain gained control. Notes
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    One of the first English settlements in Massachusetts. Settled by about 1,000 Puritans refugees from England, who wanted religious freedom. They established a theocratic government, limited to church members. https://www.britannica.com/place/Massachusetts-Bay-Colony
  • Maryland

    Lord Baltimore convinced King Charles I to give him 100 acres of land for persecuted Catholics to live. Baltimore's son took over managing the colony, and he offered 100 acres to every married couple who settled there. With this offer came the Protestants. Notes
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    This colony was established by Roger William and his supporters. They were banished for speaking out against government authorities, and could not return to the Massachusetts Bay Colony. So, they founded Rhode Island where there would be no religious persecution. Notes
  • Connecticut

    It was settled by Thomas Hooker, as a place for Puritan noblemen. He led 100 settlers plus their cattle to this colony. Connecticut played an important role in self-government because of its Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. http://thehistoryjunkie.com/connecticut-colony-facts/
  • Maryland Toleration Act

    Maryland Toleration Act
    The colony's legislature made sure that this Act ensured the religious liberty of the Catholics in Maryland. It granted religious freedom to all who believed in the Trinity. It also made it a crime to make fun of other religions. https://www.christianity.com/church/church-history/timeline/1601-1700/maryland-toleration-act-11630122.html
  • Carolina

    This colony was settled by 8 supporters of King Charles II. They were each granted a piece of land. They grew cash crops, such as rice, indigo, tobacco, and then traded them in the West Indies. Notes
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Nathaniel Bacon raised up an unauthorized militia of servants, farmers, and slaves, to fight against the Native Americans, who were attacking the Virginia frontier. This caused Governor William Berkeley's army to fight against Bacon. Bacon and his man attacked Jamestown, but ended soon after Bacon died.It was the first colonial rebellion against royal control. Notes
  • Pennsylvania

    It was settled by William Penn, who received a charter for the colony from King Charles II. He created the colony as a holy experiment. He made it a place where every male settler was given 50 acres of land and the right to vote. His colony soon became a refuge for Quakers, as he soon became one himself. Notes
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    A group of girls in Massachusetts, who claimed to be possessed y the devil, accused some local women of witchcraft. A special court hearing was made to judge the "witches", and soon after the first accused victim was hung. In total, 150 people were imprisoned, 19 hung, and 1 was crushed to death. https://www.history.com/topics/colonial-america/salem-witch-trials
  • Great Awakening/ Enlightenment

    Great Awakening/ Enlightenment
    Jonathon Edwards is considered to be one of the chief starters of the Great Awakening. He professed the humans were sinners and needed forgiveness. George Whitefield, a minister, also preached throughout the colonies to everyone about God. Both leaders wanted to awaken the Christian church and return to religion. https://www.history.com/topics/british-history/great-awakening
  • Albany Plan

    Albany Plan
    It was created by American delegates, who met in New York, to unite the american colonies. Was going to establish a system of defense and look after the colonies. It was an attempt to create one government to run all the colonies with representatives from each colony, but was considered too extreme so it was never implanted. https://study.com/academy/lesson/the-albany-plan-of-union-definition-summary.html
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    A nine year war between France and Britain, over which country controlled the upper Ohio River Valley. George Washington and a group of soliders attacked a french fort, but soon had to surrender. The news reached London and war was declared. The French allied with the Indians, and the British faced constant defeat. The war was practically ended, when the British struck Quebec and killed a French commander. http://www.ushistory.org/us/8b.asp
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Was a royal decree issued that North American colonists could not establish or maintain settlements west of an imaginary line down the crest of the Appalachian Mountains. It also acknowledged that the Indians owned the land they were on and made it clear that the colonists wanted to avoid conflicts withe Indians. https://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1209.html
  • Salutary Neglect

    Salutary Neglect
    Initiated by prime minister Robert Walpole, this unofficial policy was made to ease Britain's control on American trade. It let Americans trade with non-British companies and operate independently. Now, they could use the wealth they earned to buy British made goods. https://www.encyclopediavirginia.org/salutary_neglect#start_entry