13 colonies

  • Virginia colony 1607

    Virginia colony 1607
    First English colony in North America
  • Period: to

    First Colonies

  • New Hampshire 1623

    New Hampshire 1623
    First settled by a group of fisherman.
  • New York 1626

    New York 1626
    Founded by the Duke of York.
  • Massachusetts Bay 1630

    Massachusetts Bay 1630
    Founded in the areas of Salem and Boston.
  • Maryland 1633

    Maryland 1633
    First colonists arrived on St. Clements Island.
  • Connecticut 1636

    Connecticut 1636
    First known as the river colony.
  • Rhode Island 1636

    Rhode Island 1636
    Founded by Roger Williams.
  • Delaware 1638

    Delaware 1638
    The Dutch founded this settlement.
  • North Carolina 1663

    North Carolina 1663
    The king of england gave the land to eight people. These men founded the colony.
  • South Carolina 1663

    South Carolina 1663
    Also founded by eight men who were given the land by King Charles II.