13 colonies

  • Jamestown

    The first colony was in Virginia. It was called Jamestown. Now days it is sometimes called the Virginia colony. They named it after there king James l . It was important because it produced most of the tobacco.
  • starving time

    starving time
    This winter at Jamestown was one of the hardest winters that the people at Jamestown had to live threw. Winters where also called starving time. In that winter over 60 people died on the winter 1609 to 1610
  • John Rolfe marries Pocahontas

    John Rolfe marries Pocahontas
    when john and Pocahontas wed they got the blessing from the chief Powhatans and the governor of Virginia. The marriage of john and Pocahontas also brought an alliance with the Powhatans and the English colonist.
  • plymoulth colony

    plymoulth colony
    Plymouth colony was founded by the pilgrims the pilgrim were leaded by William Brewster and William Bradford.Plymouth was sometimes called new Plymouth. The Plymouth colony was famous for its culture.
  • The pequot war

    The pequot war
    The cause of the Pequot war was that both sides struggled to control trade. But the Pequot war almost made the Pequot people all die because the Indians did not have powerful weapons
  • charlestown

    Charlestown was made in honor of king Charles II now it is called south carolina
  • salem witch trials start

    salem witch trials start
    The salem witch trials is like a test that you take to see if you where a witch back then when the first one started 20 people where accused for being a witch 14 women and 6 men.
  • liberty bell is cracked when they test it

    liberty bell is cracked when they test it
    the liberty bell is an symbol of freedom and it was close to the ending of the clonial period.
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    the destroying of the tea was a political protest made by the sons of liberty. the sons of liberty is an colonial protest group
  • revolitionary war

    revolitionary war
    The revolutionary war is the last event in the colonies period it. the revolutionary war was also called the war of independence.