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13. Colonial events

  • Sep 8, 1565

    First permanent Spanish settlement is established at .st. Augustine

    First permanent Spanish settlement is established at .st. Augustine
    The first Spanish settlement is established at st. Augustine was in.
    in September 8 1565
  • 1575

    Roanoke Island probably disappears it’s called the lost colony

    I will not call me disappeared and it’s called the wasp on the interstate 1675 through 1 The Roanoke colony disappeared and it’s called the wasp on the Internet 1675 through six teen age 1680
  • When was the Jamestown selttelmant established

    When was the Jamestown selttelmant established
    The Jamestown selttelment was established in 1607
  • When were Pocahontas and John Rolfe marred in

    When were Pocahontas and John Rolfe marred in
    They were married in April 5 1614
  • When the house of burgesses was formed

    When the house of burgesses was formed
    The house of burgesses was formed in July 30th 1619.
  • When was the Plymouth colony formed

    When was the Plymouth colony formed
    The Plymouth was formed around 1620
  • Thanksgiving celebration feast is held

     Thanksgiving celebration feast is held
    The Thanksgiving celebration feast with held in August 1621
  • North Carolinawas founded in

    North Carolinawas founded in
    North Carolina was founded in. November 21, 1789
  • William Penn established the Pennsylvania colony

    William Penn established the Pennsylvania colony
    William Penn established the Pennsylvania colony in. 1644 at mid day.
  • When was the New Jersey colony formed

    When was the New Jersey colony formed
    The New Jersey colony was founded in December 18 1787