
  • Stepping into North America.

    Quebec City 5 year old boy ran down the gangplank of a sailing ship and stepped onto NA soil.
  • Together at Last

    Together at Last
    Lower and Upper Canada were united in 1841
  • Upper and Lower Canada United

    Upper and Lower Canada United
    Upper and Lower Canada been united into the province of Canada.
  • Riots in Montreal

    Riots in Montreal
    Toronto said Montreal shouldn't be the perminent in captital.
  • Primister of Canada: John A MacDonald

    Primister of Canada: John A MacDonald
    John A. MacDonald was the prime minister of Canada.
  • Same number of Seats

    Same number of Seats
    In the 1860's the goverment and the Opposition held nerly the same number of sets in the Assembly
  • Canada West Population Increseased

    Canada West Population Increseased
    The population in western Canada was greater than the population in eastern Canada. Immigration brought many english speakers they outnumbered french speakers of lower canada.
  • Elections in Canada

    Four goverments resigned in Canada. Neither side could get enough votes to carry on the work of goverment
  • MacDonald defeat

    MacDonalds government was defeated by two votes.
  • Contruction of Parliament

    Contruction of Parliament
    Construction of the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa.
  • Population

    Canada East: 1525000.
    Canada West: 1123000