World War 2

  • Nazi invation of poland

    Nazi invation of poland
    Germany and the UUSR invade poland and take over it in days .
  • Period: to

    World War 2

    World war 2
  • United state nuetrality with Germany

    United state nuetrality with Germany
    they do nat want to get in the war they feel it is europe problem
  • Soviet Union expelled from the league of Nations

    Soviet Union expelled from the league of Nations
    The do this because the soviet union invaded finland in september.
  • Nazi invade Norway and Denmark

    Nazi invade Norway and Denmark
    this the secnd or third country that the nazi invade .Denmark was not prepared for this war and so the gave little resistance.instead norway did try to resist but there was so much destruction they had no other choice.
  • Holland surrender to Nazi's

    Holland suren
  • Japannese bomb pearl harbor

    Japannese bomb pearl harbor
    Worst attck toward the US during the whole world war 2. Because of this attck the US was forced to enter the war. Great devastation many people where killed.
  • Montgomery's Eighth Army takes Tripoli.

    Montgomery's Eighth Army takes Tripoli.
    the bristish army get tripoli and must take care of it.
  • Fist attck toward cassino Italy

    Fist attck toward cassino Italy
    this was a costly four battles during World War II, fought by the against Germans with the intention of breaking through the Winter Line and getting Rome.
  • D-Days

    Landing on the nothern coast of france.This is the turning pont of the war.This when the united staes started enter europe and liberate people and countrys from the nazis.
  • Soviet troops liberate first concentration camp at Majdanek.

    Soviet troops liberate first concentration camp at Majdanek.
    shorlty after this concenatration camp was deliberated theere was a movie made out of it.It was when they realized what more germany was doing.