The soloar system was a swirling mas of dust and gas -
4.6 BYA
The earth began to form and grew larger as debris was pulled together -
organic molecules accumulate -
archaeabacteria are belived to have casued the first cellular life on earth -
3.5 BYA
cyanobacteria are discoved -
Photosynthesis arises in certian organisms -
2.2 BYA
Oxygen as a bioproduct of photosynthesis damaged to many of the early unicellular organisms -
02 levels reached todays levels -
1.5 BYA
Eukaryotic cell evolves from a aerobic prokaryote (called endosymbiosis) -
Ozone(O3) formed - protected organisms form harmful UV rays so they could exist on land -
1665 first micro scope invented by Robert Hooke
1668 Redi's Expiriments
1768, Spallanzani's expiriment
Spanllanzani conducts his expiriments and finds similar conclusions to Redi's -
1967, Lynn Margulis
Lynn Margulis porposed eukaryotic cells were formed from prokaryotic cells -
1977, Sidney Fox
Fox studies the phsyical structures that gave rise to the first cells -
1980s, Thomas Cech
Thomas Cech discovers ribozymes, RNA that acts as a chemical catalyst -
1864, Louis Poster expiriments
Louis Poster conducts his expiriments on spontaneous generation -
1904, Radiometric dating
The invention determines earths age by testing rocks -
1920s, Alexander Oparin's Hypothesis
Alexander Oparin forms a hypothesis that the early atmosphere contained NH3,H2,H20,and compounds of C and H. At high temperatures these gases could have formed organic molecules. -
1953, Urey and Miller
Urey and Miller test Oparins hypothesis showing results that agree with his hypothesis