Diminishing rights for slaves in the 1600s

  • Period: to

    Diminishing progress for slaves.

  • Slaves may not own firearms.

    Everybody may own fireams and ammunition except for negroes and indians. If they do then the will be fined at the pleasure of the governor and council.
    Court case:In 1639 negroes were denied the right to bear arms.Since this is one of everybodys rights this shows how englismen wanted to diminsh slaves rights.
  • Anthony Johnson petitions for his slave.

    Anthony's slave was supposed to be free but he went to court against a white man and got his slave back.
    Court case: In 1654 Anthony Johnson (an African-American) went to court to get his slave back.He had similar rights because he owned slaves even though he himself was a black man.
  • Children of slave mothers are born as slaves.

    A child of an enslaved mother shall also be a slave for life.
    Englishmen often had relationships with their slaves and they chose those children to be slaves.
    Court case: In 1662 children born by slave mothers are now slaves.
  • Punishment of slaves for hog stealing.

    If a slave steals a pig then they will recieve thirty-nine lashes on their bare back (Forty lashes can kill a man) and be stuck with their ears nailed to the pillary for two hours. After two hours their ears will be cut loose.Slaves are not allowed to due process of law, now they can be prosecuted more quickly.
  • Negroes, Indians, and Mulatto to be property

    Legislators defined enslaved men,women,and children as property in this act.Now slaves have no way to earn their freedom.It is too late for the frog in the pot of boiling water to jump out.This is now the complete dehumanization of slaves because they are defined as property that can be owned.