Great Gatsby

By Koop44
  • Period: to

    Great Gatsby

  • First traffic light

    Police officer William Potts from Detroit Michigan was the inventor of the traffic light. He used red, amber and green lights and thirty-seven dollars worth of wire to form this light, which was put on the corner of Woodward and Michigan Avenues in Detroit.
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein lectures in New York about his theory of relativity.
  • Miss America

    The first Miss America contest was held on September 8, 1921.
  • President Harding Dies

    President Harding dies of an embolism after suffering ptomaine poisoning followed by pneumonia. Coolidge is sworn in on 3 August.
  • Scopes Trial

    Teacher John T. Scopes goes to trial in Dayton, TN, for teaching evolution over creationism in a public school. Just months before the Butler Act made it illegal to teach evolution in Tennessee schools. Scopes was found guilty as charged.
  • First Television

    Scottish inventor John Baird invents the first form of a television
  • Liquid-fueled rocket

    Although during his time the US did not recognize his achievement, Robert Goddard’s invention of the liquid-fueled rocket and methods of propulsion are still used by the North American Space Association today. His method of oxygen and liquid fuel propulsion only lifted the original rocket 184 ft
  • First Talking Movie

    The Jazz Singer
  • New Model T

    The Ford Model A, the successor to the Model T, is produced under great secrecy. Production lines have been shut down and retooled to produce it.
  • Stock Market Crashed