Adolf hitler 1

Holocaust timeline

By riedels
  • Adolf Hittler is appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hittler is appointed Chancellor of Germany
  • Period: to

    about 6 million Jews have been killed

  • The Reichstag building burns down and Hitler gains the emergency power

    The Reichstag building burns down and Hitler gains the emergency power
  • Nazis open Dachau concentration camp near Munich

    Nazis open Dachau concentration camp near Munich
  • Nazi stage boycott of Jewish shops and businesses

    Nazi stage boycott of Jewish shops and businesses
  • Burning of Books in Berlin ans throughout Germany

    Burning of Books in Berlin ans throughout Germany
  • the Night of Long Knives

    Hitler, Goering and Himmler conduct a purge of the SA (storm trooper, that included members who believed in socialism) leadership. On July 20,1934 the SS (Schutzstaffel) is made an independent organisation from the SA
  • German President Hindenburg dies and HITLER BECOMES FUEHRER

    German President Hindenburg dies and HITLER BECOMES FUEHRER
  • Nuremberg Race Laws against Jewish decreed

    Nuremberg Race Laws against Jewish decreed
  • Hitler announces union with Austria

  • Kristallnacht

    A massive, coordinated attack on Jews throughout Germany
  • Nazi troops seize Czechoslovakia

  • Nazis invade Poland

  • Great Britain and France declare war on Germany

  • Warsaw surrenders

  • Nazi euthanasia

    Hitler ordered widespread "mercy killing" of the sick and disabled.
  • Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland

    Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland
    one of the biggest concentration camps , 2 million people died there
  • Nazi invade Denmark

  • Nazi invade France, Belgium, Holland and Luxemberg

  • Nazi invade Romania

  • Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia become Nazi Allies

  • Jews ordered to wear yellow stars

    Jews ordered to wear yellow stars
  • Beginning of general deportation of Jews

     Beginning of general deportation of Jews
  • Germans surrender to Russian troops at Stalingrad

  • Nazi declare Berlon to be Judenfrei (cleansed of Jews)

  • In response to political pressure to help Jews under Nazi control, President Roosevelt creates the War Refugee Board.

  • Russian troops liberate the first concentration camp

  • Period: to

    As Allied troops advance, the Nazis conduct death marches of concentration camp inmates away from outlying areas.

  • Russian troops liberate Auschwitz

     Russian troops liberate Auschwitz
  • Berlin is reached by Russian troops

    Berlin is reached by Russian troops
  • Hitler commits suicide

  • Americans free 33,000 inmates from concentration camps