Mar 10, 1400
The Renaissance Begins
The Renaissance began in the 1400's and means reborn. It began in Florence, Italy and spread through the rest of Europe. The Renaissance was influenced by literature, philosophy, art, politics, and science. Many famous artists including Lenardo DeVinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo lived and painted during this time period. -
Mar 10, 1408
The Statue of David
In 1408, Donatello was the first person to carve a statue of David. The catherdral of Florence asked if Donatello would sculpt the statue for him, because they wanted to decorate the catherdral with statues of the 12 prophets. The statue is now in Museo Nazional del Florence . -
Mar 6, 1475
Michelangelo was an Italian painter, sculptor, poet, and enginneer. His major achieve consists of The Statue of David and the cealing of the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo died in1564. -
Mar 10, 1483
Raphael was an Italian painter and architect who was born in 1483. Some of his most famous paintings are, The Mond Crucifixion, The Wedding of the Virgin, and The Depostion af Christ. -
Mar 10, 1503
Leonardo DeVinci's Mona Lisa
Lenardo DeVinci was an Italian painter, sculptor, musician, scientist, inventor, and writer. He is known as one of the greatest painters of all time. His most famous master piece was the Mona Lisa, a painting of a woman that he painted in 1503 which he painted in Italy. He worked on the Mona Lisa for over three years. -
Study of Magnestism
Magnetism is a property of materials that respond at an atomic or subatomic level to an applied magnetic field. The study of magnetism was advanced by William Gilbert, an English natural philosopher in 1600. -
The Clock
Galileo Galilei designed the pendulum clock in 1602. He created the clock because he believed that the difference in speed depended on the densities of the bodies. The speed was porpational to the time of the fall. The clock can now be used for timing pulses or acting as a metronome for music. -
Blood Circulation
William Harvey discovers the theroy of how blood circulates in 1628, in England. He disected dead animals to figure out how the blood circulates. He saw that blood is pumped from the heart. -
Plant Cells
In 1665, Robert Hooke looked into a cork and noticed cells on it in London, England . Hooke was the first person to use the word "cell" to identify microscopic structures. -
Thermometer invented
The first mercury thermometer was invented by Gabriel Fahrenheit, a Dutch scientist in 1714. He was always interested in sceince and wanted to create his own scientific instrument, which he named after himself. Gabriel had also invented the alcohol thermometer, but is not longer frequently used.