Britian Alarmed by "mad cow disease"
FBI arrests suspected Unibomber.
president blocks ban on late-term abortions.
Taliban seizes control of Afghanistan.
U.S., France, and Britian approve to freeze Nazi gold loot.
My Birthday
I was born in Lawrence, Kansas. -
Hong Kong returns to chinese rule.
Oklahoma City bomber sentenced to death.
two convicted in the first World Trade Center bombing.
President Clinton accused of White house sex scandal.
Europe agrees on single currency.
This currency is the Euro. -
Unibomber sentenced for four life sentences.
U.S. cruise missles hit suspected terrorist base in Afghanistan.
U.S. naval sailors attahced in yemen.
Mad cow disease hits Europe through bad meat
U.S. elects new president.
George W. Bush is elected new president over Al Gore. -
Oklahoma City bomber executed.
World Trade Center and pentegon attacked by Terrorists.
Space shuttle "The Colombia" explodes, killing 7
U.S. and Britain launch war against Iraq
Baghdad falls to U.S. troops.
President Bush signs $87.5 billion emergency package for post-war Iraq reconstruction
Armed rebels in Haiti force president to resign and flee the country,
Spain is hit by terrorist attack, killing 200.
Gay marriage legalized in MA
George W. Bush is renominated.
Pope john paul II dies.
Benedict XVI becomes next pope. -
The Syrian military, stationed in Lebanon for 29 years, withdraws