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spending defict
defict spendinglouis XIV had left france deaply in debt. The seven years war and the american revolution strained the treasury even futher. They kept borrowing and borrowing. A bad harvest in late 1780s had food prices going crazy. to try to get out of the defict they would have to raise taxes and reduce expenses. -
estates general
louis XIV was still in great debt and almost in bankrupcy so he called the estates general to a meeting. But when they had the meeting in may the first two estates had lived the good life soo long they didnt want to give it up soo they stil didnt want to pay taxes. So the third estate got mad after the first and secong estates wnet away the formed a group of third estate people called national essembly. They took an oath to never break up and do what ever it takes to make a just constituton -
parisians storm the bastile
The streeets buzzed with rumors that the royal troops were going to occupy the capital. More than 800 parisians assembled outside of the bastlie, a midevel fortress used as prsion. the crowd depanded gun powder and weapons. The cammandor of the bastile rufused to open the gates and opend fire on the crowd. many people were killed. Finnally the people broke thought the mob and kill the commandor and five gaurds and released a handful of prisinors but found no weapons -
national assembly acts
on august 4 the national assembly had a meeting to vote to get ride of there own privliges. They agreed to give up there own moral dues,hunting rights,socail legal status,and exempt form taxes. All male citizens could vote. They issued the declaration of the rights of man and the citizen The document was moduled by the americas decloration of independace. All men have liberty, propery, and resistance to oppersion. All men a equal. -
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monarchery in abloished
threats come abroad
the fialed ecape of louis XVI brought futher hostile rumblings from abroad. In august 1791 the king of Prussia and the emperor of Austira who was marie Antoinetts brother issued the decloration of philnitz. In this document two monarchs were fighting to keep french monarchy. This document was mostly a bluff. But the revolutionarys in france took this serious and prepared for war. -
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civil war
french civil warIn october 1791 the new legislative assembly took office. The assignats (the revolutionary currency) dropped in value causing values to rise rapidy. Backed by the king the radicals now took control of the assemby. The convention that ment in 1792 was mostly fun of radicals. It voted to abolish the monarchy and esablish a republic. Then the deputies drew up a new constitution for france. In the early months or the republic they put louis XIV on trail for breing a trador to france. -
monarcy is abolished
the convention that ment in september 1792 was more a radical body than ealier assemblies. It voted to abolish monarcy and esablish a republic . they wanted to go to a republic rule and never look back -
nationism spreads
in 1793 the spread of nationism starts and then form then it it just goes and spread futher. during the revolutionary war the frence people found it nessiary to follow the king or queen but from now on they dont -
Period: to
robespoerre rain of terror
robspierreone of frances most powrfull rulers. He belivied in abolishing slavory and religious toerancey. He is cold and humor less he say crimals cant be heard unless they dont have heads -
third stage of the revolution
curupt leader were more content with filling there own pockets with helping there contry then they turned to napolean