Mar 3, 1450
Printing Press
Johannus Gutenburg was the dutch scholar to create printing. He was the first person to use movable printing of books. -
Mar 4, 1450
Johannes Gutenburg
A german european from Mainz. He invented the first printing press -
Mar 4, 1452
Leonardo Da Vinci
was a man of many skilled talents. His famous painting The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa -
Mar 4, 1471
Albrecht Durer
Famous aritist who lived until 1528. He was well known for cooper engravings and woodcuts -
Mar 4, 1500
Hans Holbein
young artist in the early 1500s. who was influenced by Italian flemish painting styles -
Mar 4, 1516
Thomas More
A friend of Erausmas as an English humanist. Published a work called Utopia -
Mar 3, 1517
Martin Luther
Luther challenges Tezel by saying he commited a grave error. He also posted his 95 thesis on a church door -
Mar 4, 1530
Counter Reformatio
The major reform effort by the catholic church. That also allowed church doctrines to become more clear -
Mar 4, 1536
Desiderius Erasmus
Entered into a monestary at a young age. Later left the monestary to pursue studies of the classics -
Mar 4, 1547
Charles V
Emperor Charles V attempted to stop the spread of Protestianism.He sent his army to fight the prtotestant princes in Germany