
Actonate - Roadmap

  • Actonate founded.

    Actonate founded.
    After running a company for 40 days without a name. We finally decided with Actonate, and put up an Under Construction page at
  • Building our Team

    Building our Team
    Picking up staff members from our forum Syshacks, and other techno savvy people who we knew to come up with the Actonate team. Our team is more about friendship then business partnership.
  • We have our logo!

    We have our logo!
    Our logo signifies success. The below link on describes that this symbol signifies Success, <a href='' target="_blank">Actonate Symbol Meaning</a>
  • We extend to ERP Systems

    We extend to ERP Systems
    We extend our services, by starting to provide ERP Systems based on .NET Technologies.
  • We start our research in Augmented Reality.

    We start our research and development in the field of AR. We started with simple 2D based AR, and now we are developing Gesture recognition technology based on the ARToolkit.
  • Seminar on Web 2.0 in VIT

    Seminar on Web 2.0 in VIT
    In coordination with IEEE Student Chapter, VIT. Actonate offiials conducted an event on Web 2.0 in VIT. With about 120 students present in the seminar, we gave them a push start in Web designing.
  • We start

    We start
    We decide to start our own Technical society across colleges in India.
    We believe in educating India in technology, this is our first step in that.
    ITBuzz will be starting as a fully fledge society in 2012 expectedly, till then it will run as Tech Forum.
  • Actonate first National meeting

    We had a meeting in Mumbai, with almost the entire team present.
    Some important decisions were made and plans were made for 2011.
  • Actonate turns 1

    Actonate turns 1
    We complete one year! After a very successful and happening year, Actonate looks ahead for the next year with lots of plans and projects coming up. To celebrate, First Anniversary mugs were printed and presented to the Actonate team.
  • Conducted Seminar on HTML5 in VIT

    Conducted Seminar on HTML5 in VIT
    Due to the overwhelming response from our first seminar on Web 2.0. We conducted another seminar in coordination with IEEE Computer Society in VIT.
    The event was very successful, and students witnessed the power of HTML5.
  • Actonate website is launched!

    Actonate website is launched!
    After a year, we finally launch our website. The reason for such a delay was because of huge overload of work on our team, and lots of designs for the website were trashed. But we did reach and made our best web designing piece. From this we start our web marketing campaign.