Feb 25, 1276
Giotto was born, he becomes a manificent early realist painter who died 1337. -
Feb 25, 1300
The Renaissance
The Renaissance begin in the 1300s -
Feb 28, 1337
Gitto Dies
Gitto died -
Feb 25, 1434
Medici Gets Control
Cosimo de Medici gains control of Florence -
Feb 25, 1450
The European invention
The Europeans Invention of Printing -
Feb 25, 1452
Leonardo da Vinci
Lenardo was born, he was an achitect, engineer, painter, sculptor, and scientist. He made drwaing of flying machines and painted the monalisa during his life span which ended in 1519 -
Feb 25, 1471
Albrecht Durer
Albrecht Durer was born, famous for his copper engravings and woodcuts -
Feb 25, 1483
Marin Luther
Martin luther felt that he needed to challenge certin church's practices -
Feb 25, 1508
Michelangelo started to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel -
Feb 25, 1516
Thomas More published Utopia which talked about goverment corrution