The renaissance renaissance

Kunes.Christopher Varga.The Renaissance Journey through time

By cjvarga
  • Period: Dec 28, 1350 to Dec 28, 1500

    The Renaissance

    You will journey through the Renaissance. It will have imporant and events.
  • May 28, 1438


    The humanists are Italian scholars that studyed Greek and Romen literature.The first one was Francesco Petrarch (PEE-trahrk).
  • Dec 28, 1520

    Reformation of the Church

    Reformation of the Church
    The reformation of the Church is when the church started to break up. The causes is humanists and groups of people started questioning the Church. Marthin Luther was a major person who did it.
  • Dec 28, 1534


    The counter-Reformation was the tatics of the Church to stop reformation. The Pope Paul III worked to revive a spiritual out of the Catholic Church. In 1559 the Index of Forbidden Books was estsablished.
  • Apr 28, 1540

    Northern Renaissance Writers

    Northern Renaissance Writers
    The Renaissance had important writers in that time. Two of the important writers was Desiderius Erasmus abd Thomas More. They made very good stories.
  • Dec 28, 1545

    The Council of Trent

    The Council of Trent
    The council was for to end the abuse that surround the church in sale of indulgences and make discipline of the clergy.The council met during three different time periods.
  • Dec 28, 1560

    William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare
    Shakespeare was the greatest playwrite of his time. He made great masterpieces. Some of his work is Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, and Macbeth.
  • Calvinism

    Calvinism was a break away of the church. The person who started it was Hulodrych Zwingli.. He later died then John Calviun made the Calvin's church.
  • Belief in witchcraft

    Belief in witchcraft
    The church did not like witchcraft.The wicth hunting started in mid 1500's to stop witch craft. They used to kill witches.
  • Daily life

    Daily life
    The people used to live in towns and have alots of fights. The village people used to fight of the reformation
  • standard of living

    standard of living
    The standard of living was factors of the evironment, health, homelife, and woking coditions. Peasants made up 85 to 90 percent of the population.