I'm born!
If you're interested in Mount Sinai Medical Center, click here. I was born at 1:25 pm at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. I was 9lbs. 7oz. and 21 inches long. I was three weeks early! -
My family moves to Westhampton Beach, New York
I don't remember this time of my life at all, but my mom told me that we got to visit the beach often. It's also really cool that we got to live so close to a celebrity vacation spot. -
My family moves to Crisfield, Maryland
I somewhat remember life in Crisfield. I remember that I made a good group of friends there and walked across the street to the huge library often! I love to read, so it was really nice living by the library. -
My family moves to Mobile, Alabama
I'm so glad that we moved to Mobile. This has been my favorite place to live and I have met such wonderful people here. You can visit the site that I chose this picture from by clicking here.
I start 1st grade at Corpus Chrisit Catholic School
Here is the school website that our technologically literate computer teacher made for the school. He started a technology revolution when he was hired.
In case any of you are from Mobile and are puzzled by the uniform I'm wearing. For the first two years I attended Corpus Christi, we had this uniform. In third grade, we got a new one. A fun fact about me: When I moved to Mobile, I was supposed to be in kindergarten, but my first grade teacher said that I was ready for the first grade. This is why I am younger than most of the people in my grade. -
My family moves to Madison, Ohio
Madison, Ohio was so pretty. At first, it was a drastic change. We didn't have central air condtioning (so it seemed much hotter than Mobile), it snowed a lot, and I saw a lot more wildlife. One of the things I loved most about living in Madison was the location of our house. We lived in a neighborhood right near Lake Erie. Our backyard was landscaped beautifully. There was a lot of green and pretty colored flowers. -
I start 6th grade at Madison Middle School
Here is the website for the Madison Public School System. Madison Middle School was a new experience for me because I had never been to a public school or rode a school bus. I loved my year at this school! It was a lot of fun! -
My mom and I move back to Mobile!
This picture is from my last day in Madison, Ohio. The girl next to me was my best friend, Brandi Gossard. The next day we moved my dad into his apartment (he had to stay in Ohio because he was stationed there). The day after that, my mom and I left to go back to Mobile (the tenants renting our house left abruptly). -
I start 7th grade at Corpus Christi
This is a picture of me at my first dance in 7th grade. It's funny to see how my fashion has changed since this year. -
First day of high school at McGill Toolen Catholic High School
This is a link to the McGill Toolen website. Ok, so this picture isn't really from my first day. This is my first day of sophomore year. I didn't put the picture of my real first day because I looked so nervous. -
My dad retires and moves back to Mobile!
My mom and I were so happy on this day! After 32 years of service in the Coast Guard, my dad retired and moved back home! -
Graduate from McGill Toolen
Again, if you would like to visit the McGill Toolen website click here. My four years of high school were crazy, stressful, and fun. My classmates and I went through a lot together. This was the picture we took at our Senior Picnic. I'll never forget my classmates and the years we spent together. -
College life begins at the University of South Alabama
To visit the University of South Alabama website, click here. College life has been so awesome so far! I have met wonderful people and learned so many things that I will take with me to my first classroom. -
Dixie joins the family
If you are interested in getting a new pet, consider adoption and click her to see the animals you could save! After I ran in the Kappa Delta Shamrock 5K and Fun Run, my mom called me with a surprise. She found a dog that she wanted to adopt! On this day, we brought home a new addition to our family! -
My first day of EDM 310
To visit the EDM 310 class blog, click here. The story behind my picture selection: This is a picture of me in my high school Web Design class. I was racing the clock to add the finishing touches to my website on Walt Disney World. This was when I was "technologically illiterate". I feel this picture sums up my experience with technology up until this class. I have learned so much so far and I highly recommend this class.