The phoenix lights are seen over Arizona and Mexico. The lights are presumed to be aliens. -
It's a boy!
I was born. -
Period: to
My Life
Across the globe!
We went to China to meet relatives and have fun. (date and month is an estimate but year is correct) -
New People move in
My grandparents move in from China to live with us and take care of us while my parents are at work. (The date and month is an estimate but the year is correct) -
Terrorist attack
Terrorists hijack 4 planes, two that crash into the Twin Towers, causing them to collapse, one that crashes into the Pentagon, and one that crashes in a field in Pennsylvania. -
Anthrax poisoning!
Terrorists send letters containing anthrax spores to several media companies and two democratic US senators, killing 5 and infecting 17 others. -
Attack on Iraq
The US launches a suprise attack on Iraq in an attempt to kill Suddam Houssein and his top aids. -
There is a major blackout in the northeast that took nearly 24 hours to fix. -
Best Friends Forever
We met in preschool on the first day. (Date is an estimate but the year is correct) -
Fish friend
We got a goldfish and we took care of it... it died months later
(this date is an estimate but the year is correct) -
Batten down the hatches!
Hurricane Katrina strikes the southern US and kills a total of 1,836 people, displacing thousands more. -
Home sweet home
We move into our third house and we are the only house on the hill. There is dirt everywhere and a road that continues for about 10 meters. (the date is an estiamate but the month and year is correct. -
Prairie Hawks
I transferred to Prairie from Wilson. I made lots of new friends. (Date is an estimate but the year and month are correct) -
Intro to Technology
I get my first computer and I decide to be a computer programmer as a career. -
Its a girl
My sister is born. -
The Cedar river floods causing downtown Cedar Rapids to flood, plus many other parts of Iowa near the river. -
History in the making
President Barack Obama is inagurated. This makes him the first black president in American history. -
To California
We went on a trip to California in a van. We took a couple detours along the way to meet friends and relatives. (Date is an estimate but the year and month are correct.) -
The small country of Haiti is struck by a magnitude 7.0 earthquake affecting 3 million people. The call for human aid was answered by many countries. -
Welcome home, soldier!
The US offically ends the combat roll in Iraq. 50,000 US troops stayed behind to train Iraqi forces.