Teaching Online PD for Jeffco Schools
Librarians need professional development to stay current with the latest trends in the library as well as in the world of technology. Looking to the future of online education excites me. While I was in Maui, I began the training to become an online educator. What better way to take a class than on the balcony of our condo overlooking the morning waves! -
Power Library
Colorado State Library - Power LibraryThis was the push for my Web 2.0 journey. I wanted to become a Power Library - a recognition of a school library who is focused on 21st Century Learning. I set up my goals around pushing my technology envelope. That sure has happened as you will see by my Web 2.0 timeline! -
What the heck is a Ning?
I wanted a way for Book Club kids to talk about their books and have conversations with each other outside of school. I heard about a Ning at the Colorado Association of Libraries conference and so I started one for our kids. It is going gangbusters! -
Wiki, Wiki, Wiki
Arvada West Library WikiHow can I keep the teachers and students up to date on what is happening in the library. With a wiki! I am not using the wiki in the traditional way where it is editable by others yet. I wonder how I could do that? Any ideas? -
After trying to find different ways to communicate with my girls, I decided to join them on Facebook! Here is the image I chose to represent myself on all of my Web 2.0 tools! -
RavelryI am a knitter and I am always looking for a new yarn or pattern! Now that I am going to be a Nana or Lola (Thanks Ben Abarro), I decided that I wanted to access more free patterns and get ideas while in my comfy slippers @ home -
Twitter me silly
TwitterLibrarians don't really have a team @ school. We eat lunch with whomever is available - usually another "solo" staff member or a team who will have me. With Twitter - I can follow lots of my team members all over the world -
AWest Web 2.0 Library
Arvada West Library
Our library is moving forward in the Web 2.0 world. Where will we go next?