Jeremy Bentham
Introduced utilitarianism. Argued that the government should try to promote the greatest good for the greatest number of people. -
An idea that people should judge ideas, institutions, and actions on the basis of their utiliy, or usefulness. the government should try to promot the greates good for the greatest number of poeple. Created by Jeremy Bentham. -
Flying shuttle
John Kay invented the flying shuttle. It's a boat shaped piece of wood that had yarn attached to it, it doubled the work a weaver could do in a day. -
Spinning Jenny
James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny. He named it after his daughter. Allowed one worker to work 8 threads at a time. -
More efficient Steam engines
James Watt figured out how to make the Steam enging work faster and more efficiently with less fuel. He joined with Matthew Boulton, an entrprenuer, he paid Watt to build better engines. -
Adam Smith
Adam Smith wrote a book called "The wealth of nations" according to him eonomic liberty guaranteed economic progress. -
Spinning Mule
Samuel Crompton invented the spinning mule. It had combined features of the spinning jenny and the water frame. Made stronger, finer, and more consistent thread from other spinning machines. -
Power Loom
Edmund Cartwright's power loom sped up weaving. -
Cotton Gin
Ely Whitney invented the cotton gin. It spead up the process of cleaning the cotton from it's seeds. So you no longer had to pick them by hand. -
Economic System in which money is invested in business ventures with the goal of making a profit. Created by Thoma Malthus and David Ricardo. -
The factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all. It grew out of a belief in progress and a concern for social justice. Created by Charles Fourier and Saint-Simon. -
Charles Fourier
Believed in Socialism. Thought that the government should actively plan the economy rather than depend on a free-market capitalism to do the job. -
Robert Owen
Imporved conditions for his employees. Built houses, rented them at low rates. Traveled to United States. -
William Wilberforce
Highly Religious man. Wanted to abolish slavery. Reitred from parliament and kept fight against slavery afterwards. Slavery was eventually abolished. -
Abolotion of Slavery
William Wilberforce fought for the abolition of slavery even after he retired from parliament. -
Factory Act of 1833
Made it illegal to hire children under 9 years old. Children from the ages of 9 to 12 could not work more than 8 hours a day. Young people from 13 to 17 could not work more than 12 hours. -
Karl Marx
Founded communism. First called it Marxism. Wrote "The Communist Manifesto." Wanted to get rid of the seperated classes. -
a form of complete socialism in which the means of production would be owned by the poeple. Private property would in effect cease to exist. All goods and services would be shared equally. Created by Karl Marx. -
United States(public schools
Horace Mann came up with having free public schools for children, to help teach them to become good citizens. Many states started to establish a system of public schools