Valentines Day Timeline

  • 144


    In ancient Rome Lupercalia was celebrated by men running through the streets slapping women with bloody goat hides beliving this mace them fertile.
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    St. Valentine

    St. Valentine
    Valentine was a priest who performed marriges even though it was illegal at the time.
  • Valentines day in U.S.

    Valentines day in U.S.
    Valentines day in the U.S. took off in mid 1800s
  • Valentines day in japan

    Valentines day in japan
    Valentines day started in japan when a chocolate company (morinaga chocolate company) promoted St.Valentines Day
  • White Day day starts in Japan

    White Day day starts in Japan
    Marshmellow day becomes white day.
  • Future Valentines day

    Future Valentines day
    It later became popular for people to exchage gifts like chocolate, flowers, and candies instead of only love letters.
  • Period: to

    Valentines DAy Thorugh Histor

  • White Day

    White Day
    On this day men who recieved chocolate from women on valentines day have to give chocolate back