Unit 7 Timeline

By elik
  • Monroe Doctrine reflects special US interests in Americas

    President James Monroe issued this doctrine which prevented the Europeans from colonizing America.
  • China and Britain clash in the Opium War

    China and Britain clash in the Opium War
    Britain smuggled opium into China addicting millions to the drug. When Britain refused to stop smuggling in the opium there was the Opium War.
  • Commodore Perry enters Tokyo Harbor

    Commodore Perry enters Tokyo Harbor
    Perry entered the Tokyo Harbor with boats that impressed/scared the the Japanese. They had never seen steam powered gunboats. Perry brought a letter asking the Shogun to allow free trade. Perry said he would comeback in a year with a larger fleet for their reply. The result was the Treaty of Kanagawa.
  • U.S. wins Spanish-American War

    U.S. wins Spanish-American War
    This war was over the issues of the liberation of Cuba. The war began after American demand for the resolution of the Cuban fight for independence was rejected by Spain.
  • Mexican Revolution Begins

    Mexican Revolution Begins
    The Mexican Revolution was an armed struggle that was led by Francisco Madero agaisnt Benito Juarez.
  • Panama Canal Opens

    Panama Canal Opens
    The largest man made canal. The Panama Canal Joins the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. Locks lift the boats to a higher or lower lever while traveling the Canal.