Period: 400 to Jan 1, 1500
Middle Ages
Fall of the roman empire (start of middle ages)
Start early midle ages
King Arthur
Jan 1, 732
Charles Martel stops Muslim’s advance in West Europe
Jan 1, 1000
End of early middle ages/Start of high middle ages
Jan 1, 1066
battle of Hastening (William invades and becomes new ruler)
Jan 1, 1066
End Viking period
Jan 1, 1096
Crusades begin First Crusade
Crusades were armies of Christians from all over Europe who marched to the Holy Land to regain land -
Jan 1, 1147
Second crusade
Jan 1, 1187
Third Crusade
Jan 1, 1202
Fourth Crusade
Jan 1, 1209
Albigensian Crusade
Jan 1, 1212
Childrens Crusade
Jan 1, 1215
Magna carta is signed by king John
The Magna Carta gave some basic rights to the people and said that the king was not above the law. -
Jan 1, 1217
Fifth Crusade
Jan 1, 1228
Sixth Crusade
Jan 1, 1248
Seventh Crusade
Jan 1, 1270
Eighth Crusade
Jan 1, 1271
Ninth Crusade Last Crusade
Jan 1, 1300
End of high middle ages/Start of late middle ages
Jan 1, 1337
100 years of war start (Englnd and France)
Jan 1, 1346
Black plague begins
About one out of five people in England died. Spread by fleas which infested rats , The disease causes the victim turning dark purple in the last hours of life because of respiratory failure, -
Jan 1, 1351
end black plague
Jan 1, 1453
End of middle ages
Jan 1, 1453
End of late middle ages
Jan 1, 1453
End 100 years war (England and France)
Charlemagne was crowned ruler of Roman Empire.
end Charlemagne empire
Start Viking period