Jan 1, 1439
J. Gutenburg Develops Movable Type
Gutenberg was the first European to use movable type printing, around 1439. -
Feb 16, 1473
Feb 1, 1492
Columbus Sailed the ocean blue :)
Feb 12, 1492
Reconquista of Spain
Jan 1, 1509
D. Erasmus' In Praise of Folly
Feb 15, 1509
Reign of Henry VIII
Feb 16, 1509
John Calvin
Jan 1, 1512
Michaelangelo Paints Sistine Chapel
Jan 1, 1513
N. Machiavelli's The Prince
Jan 1, 1517
M. Luther, 95 Theses
Feb 15, 1519
Magellen Circumnavigetes
Feb 16, 1519
Hernan Cortes Discovers/Conquers the Aztecs
Feb 4, 1528
Castiglione, The Book of the Courtier
Feb 15, 1532
Est. of the Jesuits
Feb 16, 1542
Council of Trent Established
Feb 15, 1556
Reign of Phillip II of Spain
Feb 1, 1558
Reign of Elizabeth I
Feb 16, 1559
Act of supremacy
Feb 15, 1564
W. Shakespear
Feb 16, 1567
Peace of Augsburg
Rene Descartes
St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
Baroque Period
30 Years’ War
Mayflower Compact
Cardinal Richelieu as Chief Minister
John Locke
The Trial of Galileo
Isaac Newton
Reign of Louis XIV
Beginning of Reign of Peter the Great
Peace of Westphalia
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan
Glorious Revolution
French & Indian War
War of Spanish Succession
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
War of Austrian Succession
Montesquieu, On the Spirit of Laws
Thomas Paines, Common Sense