King James 1 England
James 1 becomes King of England. -
King James 1
King James 1 issues charter to Virginia (London) for tract of land along the Mid-Antlantic coast -
Admiral Cristopher Newport Leaves London
Admiral Christopher Newport leaves London with the Godspeed, Discovery, and Susan Constant bound for Virginia. -
James Cittie
104 male settlers arrive at site they name James Cittie and establish the first permanent English settlement in the New World. -
James Fort
James Fort is completed. -
Captain John Smith Is Captured
Capt. John Smith leads expedition up the Chickahominy in search of food and is captured. The indians were about to kill John Smith, but John Smith says he was saved by pocahantas. -
John Smith Returns
Smith returns to James Fort to find a desperate situation; only 38 of the original 104 settlers remain. -
John Smith Is Accused Of Killing His Men
Smith is accused of causing the deaths of his men on the expedition, tried, and condemned to be hung. Christopher Newport returns on the John and Francis with the "first supply" of food and additional settlers; Newport halts the Smith execution. -
Smith and Christopher Newport
Smith takes Christopher Newport up the York River to meet Powhatan. Smith works out an exchange of beads for provisions; "sons" are also exchanged: Thomas Savage goes to live with the Indians and Namontack with the English; they will act as interpreters and liaisons between the two peoples. -
John Smith Is Wounded
Captain John Smith is wounded in a gunpowder explosion and forced to return to England. -
John Rolfe Saves Jamestown
John Rolfe tries a crop of tobacco to help save the Jamestown settlement.