Cavin is Born!!
Cavin Turns 1
We lived in a different house when I was one. We moved to the new house right before I turned 2. It was across the street. -
Trip to Portland, OR
My 2nd birthday we went to Portland Oregon. This was my first plane ride. I saw snow. -
Cavin turns 2
My 2nd birthday we went to Portland Oregon. This was my first plane ride. I saw snow. -
First Trip to Disney
This was my first trip to Disney World. We had so much fun. The best was meeting Mickey. -
Cavin Turns 3
We had a petty zoo for my party. -
3rd Birthday Party
We had a petting zoo at my house for my 3rd birthday. We got to feed all the animals. It was real fun. -
Kailey was Born
My baby sister was born. Her name is Kailey. I am 3 years older than her. -
4th Birthday Part
I had a firetruck party when I turned 4. We all got to spray the hoses and dress up like firement. We also rode in the truck. -
Cavin Turns 4
Cavin Learns to Ride a Bike
I could ride my bike without training wheels when I was 4. My sister is 5 and still can't do that. -
Cavin Turns 5
Family's First Trip to Disney with Kailey
This was Kailey's first trip to Disney World. It rained the whole day, but we still had fun. -
Cavin Turns 6
Lion King with Cab
I went with my best friend Cab to see the Lion King. We had to get dressed up because it was very dressy. We had fun. -
We get Racey
We picked out our Dog Racey. I picked her because she had a heart on the top of her head. We had to drive a long way to find her. -
Cavin Turns 7
Cavin Turns 8
We had a camping trip with 4 of my friends and my cousins for my 8th birthday. We went to Hanna Park for the weekend. My sister had to stay with my Grandmother.