
Cavin's Birthday TimeLine 02/17/09

  • Cavin is Born!!

    Cavin is Born!!
  • Cavin Turns 1

    Cavin Turns 1
    We lived in a different house when I was one. We moved to the new house right before I turned 2. It was across the street.
  • Trip to Portland, OR

    Trip to Portland, OR
    My 2nd birthday we went to Portland Oregon. This was my first plane ride. I saw snow.
  • Cavin turns 2

    Cavin turns 2
    My 2nd birthday we went to Portland Oregon. This was my first plane ride. I saw snow.
  • First Trip to Disney

    First Trip to Disney
    This was my first trip to Disney World. We had so much fun. The best was meeting Mickey.
  • Cavin Turns 3

    Cavin Turns 3
    We had a petty zoo for my party.
  • 3rd Birthday Party

    3rd Birthday Party
    We had a petting zoo at my house for my 3rd birthday. We got to feed all the animals. It was real fun.
  • Kailey was Born

    Kailey was Born
    My baby sister was born. Her name is Kailey. I am 3 years older than her.
  • 4th Birthday Part

    4th Birthday Part
    I had a firetruck party when I turned 4. We all got to spray the hoses and dress up like firement. We also rode in the truck.
  • Cavin Turns 4

    Cavin Turns 4
  • Cavin Learns to Ride a Bike

    Cavin Learns to Ride a Bike
    I could ride my bike without training wheels when I was 4. My sister is 5 and still can't do that.
  • Cavin Turns 5

    Cavin Turns 5
  • Family's First Trip to Disney with Kailey

    Family's First Trip to Disney with Kailey
    This was Kailey's first trip to Disney World. It rained the whole day, but we still had fun.
  • Cavin Turns 6

    Cavin Turns 6
  • Lion King with Cab

    Lion King with Cab
    I went with my best friend Cab to see the Lion King. We had to get dressed up because it was very dressy. We had fun.
  • We get Racey

    We get Racey
    We picked out our Dog Racey. I picked her because she had a heart on the top of her head. We had to drive a long way to find her.
  • Cavin Turns 7

    Cavin Turns 7
  • Cavin Turns 8

    Cavin Turns 8
    We had a camping trip with 4 of my friends and my cousins for my 8th birthday. We went to Hanna Park for the weekend. My sister had to stay with my Grandmother.