Important Events of Iraq War

  • Invasion of Iraq

    Invasion of Iraq
    The invasion, done mainly by US and British forces marked the beginning of the Iraq War. The end result was the toppling of Saddam Hussein and the Ba'ath party.
  • "Mission Accomplished"

    "Mission Accomplished"
    US President George W. Bush declares an end to the major military campaign in Iraq.
  • Saddam is Captured

    Saddam is Captured
    US officials announce capture of Hussein near his hometown of Tikrit.
  • 1,000 Troops Killed

    1,000 Troops Killed
    Announcement that the level of troops killed has reached 1,000.
  • Constitution Signed

    Constitution Signed
    The Iraqi Governing Council signs an interim constitution for the country.
  • Fallujah

    Between 10,000 and 15,000 US soldiers and Marines backed by newly trained Iraqi forces besiege Fallujah.
  • Transitional National Assembly Elections Held

    Transitional National Assembly Elections Held
    Proud Iraqis show their purple ink-dipped fingers as a sign they participated in the election.
  • Saddam's Trial Begins

    Saddam's Trial Begins
    Saddam is accused of war crimes against humanity for the ordered killings of 143 Shiites in Dujail in 1982.
  • First Prime Minister is Elected

    First Prime Minister is Elected
    Nuri Kamal al-Maliki is selected as Iraq's first permanent prime minister.
  • Rumsfeld Resigns

    Rumsfeld Resigns
    Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld resigns from his post.
  • Saddam is Executed

    Saddam was executed by hanging after being fould guilty of crimes against humanity.
  • Hello Petraeus

    Hello Petraeus
    General David H. Petraeus replaces General George W. Casey as top American military commander in Iraq.
  • Troop Surge Announced

    Troop Surge Announced
    President Bush announced the "troop surge" to the nation.
  • British Test Iraqi Government

    British Test Iraqi Government
    British forces hand over control of Basra to Iraq's government, taking a supporting stance. This was a political and military test.
  • Iraqi Troops Go Into Sadr City

    Iraqi Troops Go Into Sadr City
    Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki puts forth his first effort to control Sadr City. This operation involved no American ground forces.