The problem of the dig is that we see how long each item can stay underground before decomposing -
My hypothesis is that each item will not fully decompose but will come close to decomposing. I think that the sunchips bag will be decomposed the most. -
Diggin them holes
Today was the day that we buried all of the items and 8 weeks later we will dig them back up, if there is any thing left. -
Week 1 Weather
This whole week was kind of sloppy with some slight snow and a lot of cold temperatures reaching the 30s and lower with very low wind chills. -
Week 1 item: Styrofoam
Styrofoam is polysterene foam mixture. It used to give off cholorflorocarbons when being torn or broken. But they do not manufacture them to do that anymore. I think that the styrofoam will not be easy to rot, thus it will be one of the nonroting items. -
Week 2 weather
This weeks weather was another cold week with temperatures in the 30 with wind chills in the 20s. The wind speed reached the high tens and lower. -
Week 2 item Aluminum Foil
Aluminum foil is aluminum prepared in leaves. It is usually used for wrapping nd packaging. I think this item will be barely disovled all because metal and alluminum doens't disolve very well. -
Week 3 weather
This week's weather was cold and frigid at the beggining but warmed up towards the end of the week by hitting the upper 60s the wind speed stayed at a constant of 9 or 8 mph. -
Week 3 item: Decomposable Sun Chips Bag
The unchips bag is one of the items I think wil be most disolved. The item says on the bag that it is 100% biodegradable. I think it will be disolved the most. -
Week 4 weather
This weeks temps reached the 30s with wind chils in the upper 20s and 30s. With winds reaching all around -
Week 4: Reg. Chips Bag
Regular Chips bags are made out of plastic. They probably do not decompose much at all. I think that the reg. chips bag will not be decomposed much at all. -
Week 5 weather
This week got hit by a major snowstorm with snow amounts in the average of 6 in. Snow drifts reached about 3 feet. Temperature were below freezing and the wind speed were super fast. What a week. -
Week 5 Item: Apple
Apples are a natural material to Earth. I think that the apple will be one of the most decomposed. -
Week 6 item: Newspaper
Newspaper is made with usually low-grade paper such as newsprint. I think that the newspaper will be slightly disovled but not the most disolved. -
Week 6 weather
This week was completely different that last weeks snowmageddon. The temps reached the upper 60s and 70s. The wind the tens. -
Week 7 weather
This week the temperatures reached the 30s again with windchills reaching the 30s. Wind speeds stayed low. -
Week 7 Item: Cotton
Cotton is a fluffy natural material. But this cotton has been woved into a fabric. I think that the cotton fabric will not be decomposed much at all. -
Week 8 werther
This weeks weather varied around the fifties and forties. the wind chill made it seem colder than it really was. -
Week 8 Item: Orange
Oranges, like apples, are all natural to this Earth. They do not cause polution. I think the otange will be one of the most decomposed items out there. -
Conclusions; Styrofoam and Aluminum
We dug up both of these items on March 4.
The styrofoam was crushed into smaller pieces and was untouched for the most part
The aluminum foil had no changes whatsoever. -
Conclusions; Sun Chips and Reg. Chips
These items were dug up on March 4
The sunchips were mostly wet and untouched!
The reg. chips were not decomposed at all. -
Conclusions; Apple and Orange
These items were dug up on March 4.
The Apple was very mushy and discolerd and in pieces
The Orange was moldy and mushy and in pieces -
Conclusions; Newspaper and Cotton
These items were dug up on March 4.
The paper was ripped and wet and shriveled around the edges
The cotton was wet and soggy and wrinkled. -
Overall Anaylasis
The overall anaylasis of this dig is that the more natural materials were the most decomposed. And that most items will not rot within 8 weeks.