The Depression 1930s 05

  • In the person's case

    upreme Court of Canada Unanimously decided somen were not 'peson' who could hold public office as Canadian Senators
  • Winter Olynpic

  • Period: to


  • Women Legally Become Persons

    The Imperial Privy council ruled that women were legally "persons." This meant they could hold places in the Canadian Senate.
  • Crash of the New York Stock Exchange

    The Great Depression begins with the crash of the New York Stock Exchange that is known as "Black Tuesday". The crash is a symptom of the underlying economic malaise.
  • Second Stock Market Crash

    A second stock market crash hits Canada and happened within 3 hours. With this crash as well as the one on the 29th, all foreign markets were hit.
  • Worker's Unity League Formed

    The WUL was a national trade union federation created through the initative of the Communist Party of Canada. It became the major labour organization in Canada during the early Depression.
  • The Bennett Government passes Relief Bill

    The Relief bill was trying to create more provincial and local jobs such as highways, railways etc. The bill als states that all costs on loans will be covered.
  • First Radio Drama episode was broadcast from Montreal

    It was the first episode in a series, which provided entertainment, and relief for those suffering.
  • Strike in the Estevan Coal Mine in Biendait, Saskatchewan

    The goal was to win recognition of their union and demand for the restoration of the wages cut by the local coal operators
  • Opening of the Maple Lead Gardens

    The Maple Leaf Gardens was opened after costing outrageous amounts of money for the time. However it provided entertainment relief for those who could go watch the games.
  • The Statute of Westminster

    The Statute of Westminster was passed by the British parliamen. This gave Canada full rights to self-government including control over all national and international affairs and having the British only represented by a Governor General in Canada.
  • Attack on the House of Assembly Building in Newfoundland

    In St. John's , Newfoundland, a crowd of about 1,000 people attacked the House of Assembly Building. The crowd was demanding an investigation into government corruption, but they were refused. The crowd stoned the building and broke windows, and also stoned the Mounted Police and knocked them off their horses.
  • Co-operative Commonwealth Federation founded.

    The CCf was founded in Calgary by J.S. Woodworth. It was the first major democratic socialist movement in Canada, and eventually greatly affected politics in Canada.
  • Unemployment Relief Camps

    Prime Minister Bennett organized a nationwide collection of relief camps for unemployed men. These camps provided bunks, 3 meals daily, work clothes, medical are and 20 cents a day for 44 hours per week of labour.
  • The emergency banking act (United States)

    Allowed a plan that would close down failed banks and reopen banks that were strong enough to survive. This act was introduced four days after American President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared a nationwide bank holiday
  • Strike in Stratford, Ontario

    Furniture workers and meat packers went on strike in Stratford. Troops and armored cars were moved into the town on September 27.
  • Strike in Stratford, Ont.

    Furniture workers and meat packers went on strike in Stratford, Ont. Troops and armoured cars were moved into the town on September 27.
  • The Great Black Blizzard

    The first great dust storm in the Great Plains. Created sand drifts as high as 6 ft in some areas, burying roads and vehicles. Cities and towns from Texas to Canada were affected.
  • Newfoundland's Independence was revoked

    Independence was revoked due to financial difficulties. Newfoundland lost its Dominion status; is constitution was suspended and it reverted to a crown colony.
  • Repealed Prohibition of Alcohol

    The United States repealed the prohibition of alcohol which had been in affect since 1919. This affected Canada because Canadians had previously been smuggling alcohol across the border and now that it was available legally in the US, they lost another source of income.
  • Newfoundland Commission Government

    Newfoundland created its government by a Commission appointed by Britain. Through the hard times, The Great Depression in Canada began to peak.
  • Women's Rights

    Despite The Great Depression, women continue to fight for equal rights across Canada. New Brunswick women won the right to hold provincial office for the first time.
  • Bank Of Canada

    Bennett's government created the Bank of Canada to maintain Monetary Policy. The bank ultimately controls the supply of money and is able to target a rate of interest to promote economic growth and stability.
  • Relief camp workers union (RCWU)

    Camp went on strike. Goverment established unemployment relief camps. Run by the Dept of Defence, the camps paid the men 20 cents a day. In 1935 a protest against conditions in the camps culminated in the Regina Riot.
  • Richard Bennett's "New policyy plan"

    Was to insure unemployment insurance, a reduced workweek, and minimum wage, industrial codes and permanent economic planning. This didn't work so Liberals and MAckenzie King won the election in 1935.
  • On-To-Ottawa Trek

    Over 1000 strikers from relief camps in British Columbia began the "On-To-Ottawa Trek". The unemployed men at these camps argued that they offered them no viable future and went to Ottawa to create awareness for their cause.
  • Canadian wheat board

    The Canadian Wheat Board was created to market and establish the minimum price for wheat. The collapse of wheat Prices and wheat pools lead to the goverments help. Canadian Wheat Board Act stated that any losses that occured by the CWB were to be dealt by the federal gov. and any profits were to be returned to the farmers who delivered wheat to the CWB.
  • Social Credit Party

    William Aberhart led the Social Credit Party to victory in the Alberta provincial election. He believed that the total wages paid to individuals who produced goods would always be less than the total costs of production.
  • Canadian Federal Election

    The Liberal Party, led by William Lyon Mackenzie King, won a majority government and voted the Conservative Party, led by R.B. Bennett, out of office.
  • North American Heat Wave

    Although the depression was bad, the extreme weather didn' help the situation. This heat wave was the most severe in the modern history of North America, leading to catastrophic human suffering.
  • Maurice Duplessis Becomes Premier Of Quebec, Replacing Adelard Godbout

    Althoughh Canada is coming out of the depression, it is evident that Quebec is experiencing a lot of conflict within their provincial government system. This change in govenment might have been one of the pushes the economy needed to help get it out of the depression. The forming, and the power being with United Nationale helped to harmonize the people of Quebec and bring them out of these tough times.
  • Miramichi Strike

    Mill wokers and longshoremen along the Miramichi river in the northern New Brunswick struck at 14lumber firm for increase wages
  • Regulat flight of Trans Canada Air Line

    The first regular flight of Trans Canada Ariline (now Air Canada) took place
  • Metis Population Betterment Act.

    Betterment Act was passed in Alberta enabling the Metis to have land set aside as reserves. (Was passed during 1938, specific date is unkown).
  • Honey Bridge Collapses in Niagara Falls

    The Honey Bridge in Niagara Falls collapsed due to a windstorm - caused problems for commuters and consequently their ability to get to work. As well the cost of repair became an issue.
  • Relief Workers' strike in Vancouver BC.

    Unemployed members of the Relief Project Workers' Union in Vancouver occupied the Hotel Georgia, the Vancouver Art Gallery and the central post office and began a sit-down strike.
  • The Wartime Prices and Trade Board

    The Wartime Prices and Trade Board was established to control inflation and to ensure that social unrest did not interfere with the upcoming war effort.
  • Air Training Plan Established

    The British Commonwealth Air Training Plan was established and trained some 131 000 airmen at over 350 schools- one-half the total Commonwealth aircrew- a decisive Canadian contribution to victory in WWII.
  • Mackenzie King Liberal's Win Federal Election

    Mackenzie King's Liberals win a second consecutive majority in the federal election against Robert Manion.
  • The National Resources Moblilzation Act is passed

    Through this highly controversial bill, conscription is re-introduced within Canada. But this bill only allows conscription for homeland defense.
  • Insurance Introduced

    The federal government introduces unemployment insurance alongside the Unemployment Insurance Commision.