PA Time Line

  • Period: Jan 5, 1000 to Jan 5, 1500

    Woodland Period

  • Period: Jan 5, 1492 to Jan 5, 1493

    Columbus Arrives in America

  • Period: Jan 6, 1500 to

    Many Tribes live in America/ First Contact with Europeans

  • Jamestown Virginia is Settled

  • Henry Hudson explores the Delaware Bay

  • Mayflower

  • Pilgrims Settle in Plymouth

  • Peter Minuit Comes to New Nederland/ New Sweden

    Peter Minuit Comes to New Nederland/ New Sweden
    Peter Minuit came to New Nederland And became Govenor along with New Sweden and New Amsterdam. He founded New Sweden and Was elected Governow of New Nederland because he was very important and powerful
  • Dutch Take Over New Sweden

    Dutch Take Over New Sweden
    The Swedish govenor messed up and ended friendliness between the Dutch and Swedes. Then the Dutch attacked and took over all of the forts. The Swedish were wiped away.
  • England Takes Over the Colony

    England Takes Over the Colony
    England takes over New Amsterdam by intimidating them and they just gave up becasue they didnt have very good defences. They later named this place New York
  • William Penn Is Granted Charter For Pennsylvainia

    William Penn Is Granted Charter For Pennsylvainia
    The King owed the William Penn's fater money but he then died. The king did not have the money at the time and William said it would be fine just to give him land in america.
  • Pennsylvainia is Founded

    Pennsylvainia is Founded
    William Penn Names comes to the new land that the king gave him and he loved it. He decided to call it Pennsylvania, meaning Penn's Woods
  • William Penn meets Delaware Indians

    William Penn meets Delaware Indians
    Penn arranged a meeting with some local Indians for a peace treaty becasue William wanted to make friends instead of enemies. The Natives agreed to the treaty.
  • Walking Purchase

    Walking Purchase
    William Penn signed a deal with Natives that however much the white men walked they could keep that much land but they cheated and ran which angered the Natives becasue it meant they couldnt be trusted.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    The French and Indians and Britans all fought for land on the Americas.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and the Indians teamed up to fight the colonists and the british. The British won the war by sneding the Natives and French Running.
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

    Pontiac's Rebellion
    When tribes were supposevly turn their loyalty to King George.
  • Stamp Act

  • Townsend Act

  • Anthracite Coal is first used in Homes

  • Boston Tea Party

  • 1st continental congress

    1st continental congress
    12 of the 13 delegate from the colonies came and dicussed what they could do to improve all of the colonies. They talked about possible acts and other things to be better for the people.
  • Intolerable Acts are Passed

  • 2nd Constitutional Convention

  • Declaration of Independance

  • Pennsylvania state Constitution is Written

    Pennsylvania state Constitution is Written
    Ben Franklin and Robert Morris were the main people to write it and they wrote it to place power in the citizens hands. It took power away from the government becasue they believed it was getting too strong.
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
  • Period: to

    Washington Occupies Valley Forge

    George Washington lead his men to attack the brittish to win their fort in the winter. All the men were near death but they took over and eventually created a new army.
  • Articles of Confederation are adopted by the States

  • The US Constitiution is adopted

  • John Fitch Creates the Steam Boat

    John Fitch Creates the Steam Boat
    John Fitch Invents the steam boat by powering a wheel with steam that will propel the boat for faster travel up steam and down stream.
  • George Washington is elected President

  • Cornplaters Grant

  • Lancaster Pike is Completed

    Lancaster Pike is Completed
    Many townspeople pitched in to create the Lancaster Pike for faster travel from Philadelphia to Lancaster. The was a main road used by almost everyone that lived close to it.