Period: to
Historical Events from the 1920's
Prohibition. 18th Amendment
This Amendment prohibited the manufacture, sale, import, or export of alcoholic beverages in the United States. Al Capone was the best known gangster and one of the biggest manufacturers of alcohol in the Prohibition era. -
Volstead Act
This Act enforced the 18th Amendment, which was the prohibition of alcohol. Section 29 of the Volstead Act stressed that making your own home-made wine and cider was allowed, so long as it was not beer. -
Lenin and the Comunist State/ Red Scare
The anti-comunist panic that swept the nation was deemed The Red Scare. Many americans saw immagrints as radical, disloyal, and comunistic. The Red Scare was mostly about revolution and political radicalism. -
Sacco and Vanzetti Trial
Sacco and Vanzetti were anarchists who were convicted of murdering two men during an armed robbery in Massachusettes. After a trial and many appeals, the two itallian immagrints were excuted on August 23. -
Tthe 19th Amendment is Ratified
This Amendment prohibits each state and Federal government from denying any citizen the right to vote based upon gender. When the amendment first came about, President Wilson announced his support and the House narrowly passed it. It wasn't until October; however, that the Senete finally passed it as a result of the National Womens Party. -
Palmer Raids
These were raids on Russian unions. These were attempts made by the U.S Department of Justice to arrest and deport left wing radicals; especially anarchists. Over 500 citizens were deported. -
Teapot Dome Affair
President Harding wanted to take over the Naval reserves at Elk Hills and Teapot Dome. This was tried to be kept secret, but then it became known that Albert Fall was spending large sums of money. Then, the Wall Street Journal reported that Fall had leased Teapot Dome to Harry F. Sinclair. -
The National Origins Act
This also included the Asian Exclusion Act, which limited the amount of asians that were allowed into the country. The National Origins Act limited the number of immagrint coming into America down to 2%. -
The Scopes Tial
Tennessee passed the first law that made it a crime to teach evolution. The ACLU promised to defend any teacher who challenged that law. Scopes, a bio teacher in TN, read a passage from civic biology, which aided in the idea of evolution and he was immediately arrested. The Scopes Trial was a fight over evolution and the role of science and religion in public schools. -
Lindbergh's Flight
Charles A. Lindbergh, a small town pilot, made the first non stop, solo flight all the way across the atlantic. He took off near New York City in The Spirit of St. Louis and flew up the coast of Newfinland and on to the Atlantic! -
The Jazz Singer is released.
This was the first talking movie back in 1927. Any motion picture before that was silent, so The Jazz Singer inturn put a stop to the silent era. It was also produced by Warner Bros. -
Herbert Hoover elected President
Herbert Hoover was the 31st President of the United States. He promoted government intervention under the rubric "economic modernization" and won the Republican nomination in the election of 1928. -
Stock Market Crashed
Although the stock market is known to be a risky investment, it did not appear that way back in the 20's. With the new exuberance, confidence, and optimism many had with the turn of the century, this seemed like a infalliable investment for the future. Way later when steel production went down and prices raised quite a but, no one thought anything of it until October when the Stock Market crashed. It shocked millions when they lost it all.