The TES was founded
A now digital education company that supports teachers was founded. It was then entered into the Times as a free monthly. -
Examinations Recommended at age 16
The Consultive Comittee on Examinations in Secondary Schools advises that people take public exams at 16. -
Teachers campaign for a salary scale
The National Union of Teachers campaigns for a national salary scale. -
School gets cheaper
There are no longer fees for Elementary Education. -
State scholarships at universities
State scholorships to universities are introduced -
Grammar Schools open to all
Planning for the future
A five-year plan is launched to train 96,000 teachers, 60,000 of them women, to reduce secondary classes to 30 and primary to 40 by 1951 -
Projectors are introduced to schools. -
Certificate of Secondary Education
Certificate of Secondary Education is proposed -
A hiccup in education
Strikes during the “winter of discontent” cause some school closures and 280 million is cut from education. -
The Government launchs a program to put a computer in every school. -
The Children Act
The Children Act - the legislative part of Every Child Matters - is designed to get education and social services working more closely together. -
Technology is used to help with educating students more and more evry day. There is a vast variety of different devices and websites to help with learning.