10 Year Career Timeline

  • Started High School

    Started High School
    I started attending Parkside Collgiate Institute.
  • Resume Created

    I created my resume.
  • Volunteer Hours Completed

    Volunteer Hours Completed
    I completed 59 hurs over the course of the summer.
  • New Soccer Team

    I started playing for the London Gryphons.
  • Honours Award

    I got the honours award for grade 9.
  • My Birthday

    My birthday is on October 22.
  • Part Time Job

    I plan to get a part time job this up coming summer.
  • Honours Award

    I plan to receive the honours award again in grade 10.
  • Buy a Truck

    Buy a Truck
    I would like to buy a truck the summer before grade 12.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    I plan to graduate from Parkside Collegiate Institute in 2016.
  • Start of Post- Secondary

    I am not not sure where I want to go to Post secondary or what I want to take.
  • Move Houses

    Move Houses
    Move out of parents house and move into residence.
  • Move Into A house/apt.

    move out of residence and into a house or apartment.
  • End of Post Secondary

    Graduate post secondary school.
  • Start of Career

    Start of my future career.