10 Significant Literacy Moments

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    Literacy In My Lifetime

  • My First Words

    My First Words
    I spoke my first words sometime after my first birthday. My mom opened a daycare for me and some neighborhood kids and was always talking or singing to us.
  • Journaling

    I started a journal sometime in 2nd grade that I maintained until just a few years ago. I would write when I was bored, sad, happy, etc.
  • Harry Potter

    Harry Potter
    Starting when the 3rd book was released I read all of the Harry Potter books as close to their release dates as I could acquire a copy.
  • Word Games

    Word Games
    My aunt made up a game that we would play with a kids thesaurus where we would make up rediculous poems out of as many words as we could. (She is a middle school English teacher and I think she had a plan in mind when making that game up).
  • Black Eyed Susan Book Club

    Black Eyed Susan Book Club
    I was an active member of the Black Eyed Susan book club in 5th grade. It broadened the types of books I picked up from the library.
  • My First Play

    My First Play
    I was in a play through Girl Scouts. It was the first time I had to memorize and deliver lines in front of a crowd. (Picture is me!)
  • Poetry Contest

    Poetry Contest
    I won a small poetry contest with a poem I wrote in my free time about September 11th through the eyes of the Statue of Liberty. It was a personal poem my teacher encouraged me to share with several classes.
  • SAT Prep

    SAT Prep
    I got a lot out of that class. It was only a semester long and fast paced but I learned so much.
  • Memorizing a Poem

    Memorizing a Poem
    In 11th grade we memorized poems to recite in front of our class with no notes.
  • Swan Song

    Swan Song
    My senior year English project in high school was delivering a 'Swan Song' Speech about ourselves to our class. We worked on it for an entire semester, and I was terrified of public speeches.