10 significant energy developments

  • supreme court

    US supreme court orders dissolution of standard oil trust for engaging in monopolistic practices.
  • geothermal power plant

    world's first geothermal power plant is built in california.
  • federal law

    first federal law established to control pollution from the oil industry.
  • wind turbines

    first commercial wind turbines sold to generate electricity on remote farmas.
  • alcohol fuel production

    alcohol fuel production promoted to combat the great depression.
  • hoover dam

    hoover dam, the world's largest hydroelectric power plant, is built.
  • natural gas

    natural gas act: first direct federal regulation of natural gas industry.
  • nuclear reaction

    first controlled nuclear chain reaction.
  • atomic energy

    atomic energy act of 1946: US atomic energy commission (AEC) created.
  • petroluem

    petroluem becomes most used fuel in the US.
  • hoover dam

    hoover dam, the world's largest hydroelectric power plant, is built.