
10 Presidents

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    Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln is considered by many American's to have been the best President of the United Staes. He is credited with holding the Union together and leading the North to victory in the Civil War. Also, his actions and beliefs led to the emancipation of African-Americans from the bonds of slavery. He set the slaves free while no one else could.
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    Andrew Johnson

    When the Radical Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act in 1866, Johnson tried to veto the bill. He did not believe that the north should force its views on the south but instead allow the south determine its own course.President Johnson attempted to continue with Lincoln's vision of reconstruction. Lincoln and Johnson both felt it important to be lenient and forgiving to those who seceded from the Union.
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    Ulysses S. Grant

    Grant is considered to be one of the worst presidents in America's history. His time in office was marked by major scandals. Therefore he was not able to accomplish much during his two terms in office.
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    Rutherford B. Hayes

    Issued an Executive order that forbade federal office holders from taking part in party politics and protected them from receiving party contributions. Signed the Domestic Act. Signed the Bill Requirement for Black rights. Passed the Bill that allowed female attorneys to argue cases before the Supreme Court of the United States.
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    James A. Garfield

    When James A. Garfield was attacked on July 2, 1881, the nation was shocked, enraged, and captivated. President for just four months, Garfield was shot by Charles Guiteau as he was about to board a train at the Baltimore & Potomac Railroad Station in Washington, D.C. Severely wounded, Garfield stayed alive until September. An unsuccessful lawyer, evangelist, and insurance salesman, Guiteau believed Garfield owed him a patronage position in the diplomatic corps, and that the president's political
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    Chester A. Arthur

    Arthur was never elected to the presidency but succeeded President Garfield upon his assassination. He was significant for two important pieces of legislation that occured during his presidency. One positive and the other negative. The Pendelton Civil Service Act has had a long reaching positive impact while the Chinese Exclusion Act became a black mark in American history.
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    Benjamin Harrison

    Benjamin Harrison was president when the reforms were beginning to become popular. During his time in office, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act was passed. Even though it was of itself not that enforceable, it was an important first step towards reigning in monopolies who were taking advantage of the public.
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    William McKinley

    On June 16, 1897, William McKinley signed annexing the Republic of Hawaii to the United States. In Civil Service administration, McKinley reformed the system to make it more flexible in critical areas. Important act during McKinley's time was the Gold Standard Act where by the U.S. was officially placed on the gold standard.
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    Theodore Roosevelt

    He issued a corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. Roosevelt made the White House the center of news every day, providing interviews and photo opportunities. He was a war veteran and helped guid the U.S. towards a beter future.
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    William Howard Taft

    In 1909, the Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act passed. This changed the tariff rates from 46 to 41%. One of Taft's key policies was known as Dollar Diplomacy. This was the idea that America would use the military and diplomacy to help promote U.S. business interests overseas. Following Roosevelt into office, Taft continued to enforce antitrust laws. He was key in bringing down the Standard Oil Company in 1911.