10 Obsolete Products

By 22108
  • Paper Maps

    Paper Maps
    I don't think that people use these anymore because everyone now days have their phones to use the map app on their phone or they have a GPS.
  • VCR's / DVDs players

    VCR's / DVDs players
    No one uses VCR's anymore because there is new and better stuff and everyone want the new stuff I also think that DVDs will be going down this path because everyone is updating to the blueray for example Blue Rays cost about $70 and the DVD now only costs about $20.
  • Dictonaries

    Why waste your time looking for one word in a book that contains over 220,000 words plus the definitions when you can simply just search up the word on the internet and find the meaning.
  • Movie Rental Stores

    Movie Rental Stores
    No one uses these stores anymore because of the new popularity of Netflix and now you can rent movies on demand.
  • Public Pay Phones

    Public Pay Phones
    I think that people use these only in emergencies because most people don't have phone numbers memorized anymore because they are all stored in their phones.
  • Landline

    Not a lot of people have landline home phones anymore because most family's all have their own cell phones.
  • Tapes, CD's and MP3 Players

    Tapes, CD's and MP3 Players
    Not many people use these anymore because of stuff like iTunes, everything is on your phone these days.
  • Type Writers

    Type Writers
    Computers are so much more useful because you can type out stuff while being able to do research and so much more.
  • News Paper Classfields

    News Paper Classfields
    I know that when I get the paper I just look at the flyers and not waste time on the boring pointless stuff like that.
  • Phone Books

    Phone Books
    These are not commonly found anymore because everyone has their friends, family and favorite restaurants on speed dial. Also if you can't fin d a phone number you can simply search it up on the internet instead of looking through that ginormous book.