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20 major events

By DEV373
  • Assembly of the Estates General

    Assembly of the Estates General
    The French Revolution began because of King Louis XVI. He spent too much of France's money. Its contribution to the American Revolution did not help with the oncoming bankruptcy of France. So, he assembled the Estates General, being consisted of the clergy, the middle class, and the lower class, to order a new tax levy to hopefully regain the money spent.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The Bastille was a prison that represented the monarch's power and dictatorial rule. A angry mob stormed the prison but not to get the 7 prisoners out, but to get the ammunition stored in the prison. After the governor refused to comply, the mob seized control over the Bastille and killed the governor, leaving his head on a spike to let everyone see.
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    March on Versailles

    A crowd of protestors made mostly of women marched from Paris to the Palace of Versailles. They demanded bread and for the royal family to "live among the people", after they broke in to Queen Marie Antoinette's quarters.
  • The First invasion of the Tuileries

    The First invasion of the Tuileries
    The people of Paris laid siege on the Tuileries, the official home of King Louis XVI and the legislative Assembly.
  • The Monarchy Overthrown

    The Monarchy Overthrown
    Revolutionaries found King Louis XVI guilty of treason so they overthrew the monarchy.
  • King Louis XVI executed

    King Louis XVI executed
    King Louis XVI was executed by the guillotine with Queen Marie Antoinette forced to was him beheaded.
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    Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror spanned for a period of six months. This was when most executions of the monarchy took place, starting after King Louis XVI died making Marie Antoinette the first execution of the Reign of Terror.
  • Queen Marie Antoinette executed

    Queen Marie Antoinette executed
    Queen Marie Antoinette was executed by the guillotine making her the first execution after the Reign of Terror began.
  • The Rise of Napoleon

    The Rise of Napoleon
    The National Convention created a new constitution for France, with the Directory leading the new government. Subsequently, a military commander returned from an expedition and expelled the Directory and established what he called the Consulate and himself as the First Consul.
  • The Pharaon alights at Marseilles

    The Pharaon alights at Marseilles
    When the Pharaon arrives at Marseilles, it comes with bad news that Captain Leclere is dead and Edmond is hired as the new Captain by Morrel. Edmond is very excited to see his father and his fiancee, Mercedes.
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    The Hundred Days War

    On February 26, after nearly a year in exile, Napoleon escaped Elba and sailed to the French mainland with around 100 supporters. The new King Louis XVIII fled and Napoleon began his Hundred Days campaign. He formed an army and his forces invaded Belgium, where British and Prussian troops were stationed. On July 16, Napoleon’s troops defeated the Prussians, but two days later, on July 18, the British defeated them with assistance from the Prussians.
  • Edmond gets arrested and imprisoned.

    Edmond gets arrested and imprisoned.
    Danglars and Fernand have written and mailed the letter of accusation and Dantes is arrested at his own betrothal feast. Villefort, the public prosecutor, sends him to prison.
  • In prison

    In prison
    In prison, all Dantes wants to do is kill himself to put himself out of his misery.
  • The genesis of revenge

    The genesis of revenge
    After Faria helps him discover who was responsible for sending him to prison, the only thing on Dantes' mind is revenge.
  • Meeting Abbe Faria

    Meeting Abbe Faria
    n prison, Dantes meets someone named Abbe Faria, who was sent to prison innocent and whom Dantes thinks of as an intellectual father. Faria teaches him many things and the two have a great relationship. Faria then tells him of his hidden fortune and tells him they could split it.
  • Escape

    After Abbe Faria dies, Edmond is able to escape using Faria's body as a decoy for his own and using his own body as a sub for Faria. The guards throw the body bag, in which Edmond is in, into the sea and Edmond is finally free. Edmond soon realizes, after being picked up by a ship, that he was in prison for fourteen years.
  • Treasure

    After Dantes is let off the ship on the island Faria told him to be on, Dantes looks for the treasure Faria told him to take. He finds it on the Isle of Monte Cristo.
  • The Count of Monte Cristo

    The Count of Monte Cristo
    Edmond cashes in his found fortune to transform into the Count of Monte Cristo. A character shift from a kind, forgiving, sailor to a bitter and vengeful Count.
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    Revenge on Fernand and Villefort.

    After Edmond exposed Fernand as a criminal and revealing to Fernand that he was Edmond Dantes, Mercedes and Albert leave him in disgrace. He, consumed by all the guilt, then kills himself . Next, Villefort goes to the Benedetto trial, after he told his wife to kill herself for the poisonings. He is exposed as his father and the one who tried to kill him in the first place. He rushes back home, hoping his wife is alive, to find his wife and son dead. He then goes crazy by the trauma.
  • Revenge and forgiveness of Danglars

    Revenge and forgiveness of Danglars
    Danglars is abducted and taken to a cave. There he finds out that he will not be able to eat unless he spends 100,000 dollars per meal. The Count comes out of the shadows, reveals himself as Edmond and asks Danglars if he repents. Danglars says he does repent with all of his heart and Dantes gives hm forgiveness. The next day Danglars is on the side of the road left near a pond to drink from.
  • The End

    The End
    Edmond leaves his money with Maximillien and Valentine and runs away with Haydee telling Maximillien and Valentine to wait and hope and as for him, he has finally stopped seeking revenge and now, happiness.
  • The Abbe Busoni

    The Abbe Busoni
    The Count uses this as a disguise to collect information on Danglars, Villefort, and Fernand. However, the Count has to buy the information off of Caderousse.