Jacquard Loom invented
1801: Jacquard Loom invents a loomthat uses punched wooden cards to automatically weave fabric designs. Early computers used similar punch cards.
www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/jacquard.htm -
The Turing Machine Invented
1936: Alan Turing presents the notion of a universal machine, lated called the Turing Machine, capable of computing anything that was computable. The central concept of the modern computer was based on his ideas.
www.alanturing.net -
Columbia Releases First IBM- Compatible PC
1982: Columbia Data Products releases the Columbia MPC, the first IBM-compatible PC.
www.computerhistory.org -
Hayes Introduces Smartmodem 1200
1982: Hayes introduces Smartmodem 1200.
www.retrothing.com/hayes-smartmodem.html -
Intel Introduces 80286 MicroProcessor
Microprocessor 80286 was a 16-bit microprocessor chip introduced in 1982. It quickly became popular in PC's (personal computers) and could be found in many machines into the 1990s.
www.whatis.techtarget.com/definition/intel-80286 -
TIME Names The Computer the 1982 Machine of the Year
1983: TIME magazine names the computer the 1982 machine of the year.
www.techland.time.com/times-machine-of-the-year -
Microsoft Releases Windows 1.0
Microsoft releases Windows 1.0, a graphical personal computer operating environment developed by Microsoft.
www.windows.microsoft.eom/en-us//windows/history -
Ebay is Founded
Ebay is founded!!! Ebay is an online shopping center where you can buy new and used goods.
www.mashable.com/ebay-facts -
The Apple MacBook Pro is the first Apple product with an intel processor
The Apple MackBook Pro is the first Apple product with an intel processor instead of the Motorola/IBM-developed PowerPC processor.
www.appleinsider.com -
The Original IBM Model 5150 turns 30 years old
The original IBM Model 5150 turns 30 years old!! It was introduced on August 12th, 1981.