10 Key Historical Energy Events in US

  • The Nature of Electricity

    The Nature of Electricity
    Benjamin Franklin proved that static electricity and lightning were the same (the nature of electricity) by tying a key onto a kite during a storm.
  • Battery

    Alessandro Volta invented the electric battery, this invention helped build up electrochemistry
  • First Electric Motor

    First Electric Motor
    Micheal Faraday incented the first electric motor by converting electric energy to mechanical energy.
  • Telegraph

    Samuel Morse invented the first telegraph by using a wire that transmits signals through it.
  • Electrical Relay

    Electrical Relay
    Joseph Henry invented the electrical relay, which sends electrical currents through long distances such as a telephone pole.
  • The Lightbulb

    The Lightbulb
    Thomas Edison invented the incadescent lightbulb.
  • Electrical Turbine

    Electrical Turbine
    James Blyth invented the first electricity generating turbine
  • Wind Turbine

    Wind Turbine
    Charles Brush invntted the first wind turbine used to conduct electricity
  • Solar Power

    Solar Power
    Henry Becquerel discovered the use of solar power by observing that electricity was being produced from the sun while conducting an experiment with an electrolytic cell.
  • Geothermal Electric Power Plant

    Geothermal Electric Power Plant
    Piero Ginori Conti invented the first geothermal electric power plant.