2000 BCE
Chinese Are The First to Use Coal
- The first coal mine
- This led to a maturing of China's economy and of its people
- Coal was used for heat when trees began to lower in numbers
Dutch Windmills
- Windmills were used for multiple uses including the following: mill grain, sawing wood, pumping water, and grinding spices
- People became very dependent on mills after their creation in the twelfth century, which lead to rapid creation across the world. However, the dutch were the some of the most profound users of this type of energy > http://www.historytoday.com/terence-paul-smith/english-medieval-windmill
First Gas Well in US
- The first well intended to use natural gas was dug in Fredonia, New York
- Made by William Hart aka. "The Father of Natural Gas"
- The well was 27 feet deep > http://naturalgas.org/overview/history/
First Electric Motor Apparatus
- First machine for creating alternative energy built and shown publicly
- Hippolyte Pixii
- Horse shoe magnet with an rotating axis made by two revolving gears > http://www.leifiphysik.de/elektrizitaetslehre/elektromagnetische-induktion/geschichte/pixii-generator > https://www.eti.kit.edu/english/1376.php
Laws of Electrolysis Made
- Michael Faraday
- 1st law: "The amount of substance liberated at an electrode is directly proportional to the quantity of electricity passed"
- 2nd law: "If same quantity of electricity is passed through different electrolytes, then the amount of substances liberated at the respective of electrodes are in the ratio of their equivalent masses"
- Important process in electro-chemistry > https://electronicspani.com/electrolysis-principle-faradays-laws-and-applications-of-electrolysis/
First Electric Plant AKA. Pearl Street Station
- Thomas Edison
- Due to the success of the light bulb, there was a demand of power
- Spurred the modern electric utility industry
- The Station provided power generation, and safe and easy distribution, and easy to use energy > http://ethw.org/Pearl_Street_Station
Alternating Current Energy System
- Designed by Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti
- First Modern Power station that supplied AC power
- AC= An electric current that changes its course of direction several times on timed periods > http://www.edisontechcenter.org/AC-PowerHistory.html
Ford Model-T
- First flex-fuel vehicle
- These vehicles have internal combustion engines that are designed to run off of more than one type of fuel - typically gasoline and methanol
- This car was mass produced in 1908 was 40% of all cars sold in the US for affordability and reliability > http://www.history.com/topics/model-t
First Geothermal Power Station
- Built in Southern Tuscany, Italy
- Used heat from steam and hot springs
- Powered the Italian Electric Railway System > http://www.reuk.co.uk/wordpress/geothermal/larderello-worlds-first-geothermal-power-station/
Solar Energy Research Institute
- Made to deal with the immediate problems of fossil fuels that created pollution
- Found Solar energy was an great alternative
- Commits to research to find new and clean ways to form solar energy
- Located in Singapore >http://www.ukm.my/seri/background/