10 inventions

  • steam engine

    In 1712, Thomas Newcomen invented the first steam engine, known as the atmospheric engine. It was used predominantly to pump water out from coal mines, allowing
  • spinning jenny

    The spinning jenny revolutionized the textile industry as the weaving of clothes moved from homes to factories.
  • power loom

    The invention of the power loom effectively increased the output of each worker by a factor of 40. It was one of the most important inventions of the Industrial
  • cotton gin

    The cotton gin's efficiency and increased productivity made cotton a dominant crop and fueled economic development, particularly in the Southern United States.
  • Gas lighting

    The first gas lighting utilities were established in London between 1812 and 1820. They soon became one of the major consumers of coal in the UK. Gas lighting ...
  • photograph

    In 1826, French inventor Joseph Nicéphore Niépce created the first permanent photograph from a camera image. Niépce captured the photograph from his
  • telegraph

    The telegraph was developed in the 1830s and 1840s by Samuel Morse, in conjunction with other inventors. The group discovered that by transmitting electrical
  • concrete

    The availability and versatility of concrete made possible by Portland cement transformed cities and allowed for the construction of iconic buildings, bridges,
  • sewing machine

    Howe's sewing machine differed from an earlier model of sewing machine invented by Walter Hunt because it created a lockstitch by using thread from two
  • phonograph

    The phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison in New Jersey in 1877. The phonograph was a device that could record and play sounds. The sound was recorded by