Spanish come in / Build Missions etc.....
The Spanish came in and started building missions to convert indians to catholicism, built presidios to protect missions, and build ranchos to feed the people in missions and in presidios. I researched but it didn't say the month or day they arrived. -
Stephen F. Austin brings settlers to T.X
Stephen F. Austin persued what his father tried to do and brought U.S settlers to Texas. -
Texas Rangers
The Texas Rangers was a group of people that were available to fight at any time and they normally kept peace on the frontier. -
Convention of 1836
The convention of 1836 was held because the people of Texas needed to create a constitution. -
Texas defending against Mexican Troops led by Santa Anna, a big part in the Texas Revolution. -
Texas Independence
Texas gained their independence from the Spanish in 1836. -
Battle of San Jacinto
The Battle of San Jacinto was a battle in the Texas revolution and was fought between Santa Anna/ his army, and Texas. -
Houstan makes peace with Indians
Houston made peace with the indians because he believed they could all live together in peace, some texans didn't believe in him, but he did it, he made peace with them.