Berlin Blockade and Airlift
The German nation was creating an independent democracy. West Berlin did not like this plan, so they rubbed it off their shoulders. West Berlin then organized the Berlin Airlift. This was to supply West Berlin by air. This was a success because every cargo plane or air craft would take off and land in or from Berlin every 30 seconds. The soviets called off the blockade of Berlin May 1949. -
Korean War
This was was between North Korea and South Korea. North Korea invaded South Korea. This all started because North Korea crossed the 38th Parallel and invaded non-communist in South Korea. This being, Korea split into two states. -
Space Race
In simple words, the U.S were competing against each other to see who can get further with this space culture. It first started with the Sputnik 1. The soviets created the Sputnik. They ended there rivalry against each other and decided to come together and they both created the International Space Station. -
U-2 Reconnaissance Plane
This plane was shot down by the Soviet Union Defense Forces. This plane was to spy on the Soviet Union. They were not successful at all, and it just led to an embarrassing conflict between the U.S and Soviet Union. -
Bay Pigs
The U.S tried to invade Cuba because the U.S wanted to overthrow Fidel Castro and his revolution. They failed miserably and made an embarrassment of themselves. -
Reagan visits the wall
Reagan visits the Berlin Wall. Ronald Reagan challenges Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the wall. This wall divided East Germany from West Berlin. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
This is also known as the October Crisis. This was a 13-day confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. They were so close to a nuclear conflict. -
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
This was two rounds of bilateral conferences. This involved the United states and the Soviet Union. This was the first step to slow the Arms Control. The two round talks agreed to SALT I and SALT II. -
Soviets invade Afghanistan
The soviets invaded Afghanistan so they could stop the communist government of the peoples democracy party. -
Reunited Germany
East Germany were no longer Communist, so East and West Germany reunited after 45 years. They reunited because East Germany lost grip of power and many people fled the country, so there was no option but to reunite.