10 Historical Events

  • The Bilingual Education Act

    The Bilingual Education Act
    This was the first time that congress had funded bilingual education. This helped students who did not speak English as their first language get a better education. It was later repealed and replaced with the No Child Left Behind Act.
  • Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. Pennsylvania
    Prior to this case Pennsylvania allowed schools to deny education to children who were determined to not have attained the mental age of five by the time they started the first grade.
  • Indian Education Act

    Indian Education Act
    This established a comprehensive approach to meeting the unique needs of American Indian and Alaska Native Students. Prior to this both groups were marginalized.
  • 1974 Boston Busing Decision

    1974 Boston Busing Decision
    This decision required that Black students be bused to predominately White schools to achieve racial integration of public schools in Boston.
  • Plyler v. Doe

    Plyler v. Doe
    This case made it illegal to deny education to children who were not "legally admitted " into the United States.
  • Wallace v. Jaffree

    Wallace v. Jaffree
    This case determined that an authorized moment of silence period that was intended to allow for meditation or voluntary prayer was a violation of the constitution. This law was an attempt by Alabama to get around prior Supreme Court rulings which had decided that prayer was not to be allowed in public schools.
  • The Improving America's Schools Act of 1994

    The Improving America's Schools Act of 1994
    This law provided for greater connections with schools for both families and communities. It shared responsibility for education between both schools and parents.
  • Alabama requires public schools to check immigration status of children when they enroll

    Alabama requires public schools to check immigration status of children when they enroll
    while the law did not prevent children from attending school, it had a chilling affect on parents who were concerned due to their legal status.
  • Chicago Board Votes to Close 50 Schools

    Chicago Board Votes to Close 50 Schools
    Chicago closed the schools to save money, claiming it would consolidate schools and provide better education. Advocates argued the move disproportionately affected Black students.
  • U.S. School enrollment Hits Majority-Minority Milestone

    U.S. School enrollment Hits Majority-Minority Milestone
    This was the first time in U.S. history that minorities outnumbered non-minority students.