First Steam Engine
The first Steam Engine is invented. -
Electricity Breakthrough
Benjamin Franklin proves that lightning and static electricity are remotely similar by tying a key onto a kite. This breakthrough set the foundation for future energy breakthroughs. -
First Electric Motor
Michael Faraday converts electrical energy into mechanical by electromagnetic techniques. -
Samuel Morse invents the electric telegraph as a means to transport messages long distances. Morse code is invented as well. -
Alessandro Volta creates the first battery, hence the word "Voltage" becoming known. -
The first electric light bulb is created by Thomas Edison. -
Henry Ford
The model T is created by Henry Ford, This vehicle was able to run on gas, ethanol, or both of them together. -
Geothermal Plant
The first Geothermal Power Plant is invented. -
Hoover Dam
The Hoover Dam is opened to the public. It becomes a more reliable method to obtaining cleaner energy. -
Hydroelectric Power Plant
In Appleton, Wisonsin, the first Hydroelectric Power Plant is created on the Fox River.